On Feb. 17, 1999, the City's Building Commissioner stood up
the Safety Committee along with Capts. Winnie Cobb and Diana
Presson from Team A of the Patrol.. Here these worthies are at the end of the 30
minutes they stood in the drizzle waiting for Mr. Cooper:

We have the letter they sent to request a meeting with the
City Manager.
On March 13, Diana and John were handing out Patrol flyers on Fauquier when a Jaguar
pulled up and Bill Johnson stepped out, complete with his usual black leather jacket and
trademarked grin. Diana and John used the opportunity to say what they thought
about the Building Commissioner, and John followed up with a letter.
As of June, the City Manager had not responded to our request for a meeting, but the
deterioration of 1603 proceeded apace.

Indeed, a new person had moved in and parked yet another unlicensed car in the driveway

Note the gutter on this end also beginning to go. John followed up
with another letter, this time to the newly appointed Special
Assistant to the City Manager.
Follow up: In preparation for the meeting with Councilman Johnson,
John did another Freedom of Information Act request.
An environmental inspection on 3/16/99 disclosed no weed or vehicle
problems. Another on 5/17/99 disclosed no weed or refuse problems. A third on
5/19/99 concluded that the "vehicle is not in violation. Nor is the wood and
concrete in the rear." We hear that the car has an inspection sticker, albeit
no tag.
More recently someone has moved the car inside the fence.
Follow the links to minutes of the meeting with Mr. Johnson & Mr.
Cooper on June 21 and with Mr. Cooper on
July 1.