MacArthur Apts

Parent Pages

Crime Data
Combat Zone
Code "Enforcement"
Operation Squalor
Drug Clauses
Safety Committee
Lost Wallet

Sibling Pages

[July 22]
[Sept 24]
[November 10]
[Feb '99]
[MacArthur Apts]
[June '99]
[July 1 '99]
[Jan. 12, '01]

Child Pages

Police Calls '99
MacArthur Calls
MacArthur Apts II
MacA. Apts History
MacA Apts Crimes
New Owner
Notice to Tenants


The early history of the Safety Committee and the MacArthur Apts. is set out below.  You also can follow the links to information regarding

On May 6, 1999 we had an illuminating meeting with Terry Henley who, with his wife Jill, owns the MacArthur Apartments.  The Committee wanted to talk about the police calls to the Apartments.  As the list of calls from 1998 shows, these calls have been frequent.

Address Calls
4014   10
4016   16
4018   3
4020   12
4022   29

Our analysis of the list indicates that many of these calls are related to the fellow whom we think was dealing before Terry evicted him.  The remaining level still is much too high, mostly related to people who conduct their parties and domestic relationships in a manner that disturbs the peace. 

Terry has become discouraged with the effort necessary to effectively screen prospective tenants and to evict those who are not willing to show even elementary courtesy to their neighbors.  He says he is interviewing prospective buyers.  In the meantime he is terminating the leases of two tenants who are responsible for many of the police calls.

The Committee has asked Capt. Beadles for the 1999 list of service calls, and has agreed to meet again with Terry and Jill to follow up on conditions at the apartments and the steps Terry and Jill are taking to correct the situation.

Note: Across the street the Shirley Manor had 18 service calls during 1998, several of them related to Mad Luv.  You may recall that Henry Briggs, the Realtor who manages Shirley Manor, evicted Mad Luv last summer.  

Update, 12/15/99:

We have the list of service calls for the 4000 block for the first 3 quarters of 1999.  They hardly show an improvement at the MacArthur Apartments:

Address 1998 3q '99 Change (extrapolated)
4014 10 3 -60%
4016 16 7 -42%
4018 3 2 -11%
4020 12 15 67%
4022 29 54 148%
4027 18 7 -48%

Indeed the 81 calls for the first 3 quarters exceed the 70 calls during all of '98.  4020 and 4022 are the special problems.  

The last column in the table is the 1999 change from 1998, with the '99 rate extrapolated from the first three quarters.  The table includes the Shirley Manor (4027) for comparison.

With the dealer gone, 4014, -16, and -18 look to have quieted down nicely.  Judging from the remarks on the call log, one juvenile at 4020 is the source of most of the problems there:

2-Jan 4020 Mental Subject 4:51 TV playing loudly w the door wide open
23-Jan 4020 Domestic Trouble 19:41  
13-Apr 4020 Reference 18:07 child following comp around with a camera
23-Apr 4020 Silent E-911 Call 12:13  
23-May 4020 Suspicious 2:14  
26-May 4020 Domestic Trouble 0:36 mother/15 yr old son
31-May 4020 Domestic Trouble 17:56 mother/15 yr old son
27-Jun 4020 Missing Person 23:19 15 yo male gone for 3 days
28-Jun 4020 Domestic Trouble 1:00 mother & son
3-Jul 4020 Missing Person 17:42 15 yo Joseph Chalky/has been a runaway
19-Aug 4020 Assignment 13:03 by family member (juv son) to apt
3-Sep 4020 Missing Person 10:43  
3-Sep 4020 Missing Person 14:03  
7-Sep 4020 Domestic Trouble 1:59 15 yo son drinking in house
14-Sep 4020 Wanted Person 23:49  

At 4022 we seem to have  a good deal of social and domestic business being conducted at high decibel levels. 

Remarks Logged at 4022 Total
2 males arguing  1 refusing to leave 1
2 sisters very violent 1
2 subj refusing to leave 1
assist compl w getting belongings fro 1
Boots 1
dipute w neighbor in apt E 1
dispute betw neigh.  They forced entry 1
f refuses to leave 1
f refusing to pay cab fare 1
female c&b advising boyfriend beat her 1
Frank Armstrong wm 38 yo blond hair 1
glass breaking/f screaming 1
in getting property 1
Keep knocking on co 1
Long blond hair -beating on apt do 1
loud music 2
loud music & noise 1
loud music coming form the apt 2
loud party 2
loud people & music from this add 1
m & f arguing over T shirt 2
m & f in hall from this apt 1
m assaulted f 1
m has been banging on the door for qu 1
m/f dispute  1
m/f dispute over clothes 1
M/F fighting 1
Male ref to leave 1
Meet comp to get clothes 1
party refusing to leave compl home 1
poss wof for kenneth carr, for assault wi 1
Robert Carter in white station wago 1
Sherry Armstrong . . Poss wanted for a cap 1
someone using fireworks near compl 1
v loud music from apt, poss wof for sh 1
Whi sw with a wf inside unc 1
wm banging on door,yelling 1
yelling at screaming at each other all 1
Grand Total 42

The Board met with the landlords on Dec. 6 to discuss the situation..

We also have a summary of the Code Enforcement File re the MacArthur Apts.

Across the street, the calls at the Shirley Manor went down nicely (to a total of seven calls) once the drug dealer was gone.  Those at the MacArthur's Restaurant show a disturbing trend, including an apparent problem getting rid of customers on Sept. 23, long after 11:00 pm, when the ABC license requires them to close:

17-Mar 4017 Burglar Alarm 12:44  
20-Mar 4017 Break & Enter 14:26  
6-May 4017 Burglar Alarm 10:32  
7-May 4017 Burglar Alarm Cancelled  
11-May 4017 Burglar Alarm 2:14  
30-Jun 4017 Burglar Alarm 13:13  
23-Sep 4017 Silent E-911 Call 1:18 MacArthur Rest.
23-Sep 4017 Domestic Trouble 1:32 m refusing to leave rest
23-Sep 4017 Disorderly 3:06 m threatened other/refuses to

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher