Police Calls '99

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July 22
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Feb '99
MacArthur Apts
June '99
July 1 '99
Jan. 12, '01

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[Police Calls '99]
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Here is the list of service calls in the 4000 block of MacArthur for the first three quarters of 1999, sorted by address (MacArthur Apts. highlighted in yellow, Shirley Manor in blue):

Service Calls
4000 Block MacArthur
1/1/99-9/30/99  (duplicate calls removed)
Date Address Nature Dispatched Remarks
4-Mar 4010 Traffic Complaint 19:36  
27-Mar 4010 Traffic Complaint 18:27  
11-Jul 4010 Silent E-911 Call 22:43  
14-Apr 4013 Assignment 19:39  
15-Apr 4013 Larceny 11:16 frt license plate taken
17-Jun 4014 Mental Subject 4:22  
29-Sep 4014 Other 19:28  
30-Sep 4014 Assist 9:02  
5-Jan 4016 Domestic Trouble 15:29 m v. f in the hallway
8-Jan 4016 Unnecessary Noise 3:06 stomping
18-Jan 4016 Unnecessary Noise 0:45 lout music from the resd. Yelling, screa
18-Apr 4016 Intoxicated Person 3:51 wm in whi shirt jeans, playing loud mus
19-Apr 4016 Assignment 16:36 Pistol by known subject
4-Jun 4016 Assist 19:32 Compl is getting his clothes from his ap
25-Aug 4016 Unnecessary Noise 21:20 loud music & shouting
17-Mar 4017 Burglar Alarm 12:44  
20-Mar 4017 Break & Enter 14:26  
6-May 4017 Burglar Alarm 10:32  
7-May 4017 Burglar Alarm Cancelled  
11-May 4017 Burglar Alarm 2:14  
30-Jun 4017 Burglar Alarm 13:13  
23-Sep 4017 Silent E-911 Call 1:18 MacArthur Rest.
23-Sep 4017 Domestic Trouble 1:32 m refusing to leave rest
23-Sep 4017 Disorderly 3:06 m threatened other/refuses to
3-Jan 4018 Domestic Trouble 11:01 male w restraining order against him
22-Apr 4018 Wanted Person 20:58 Poss wof for Sheri Armstrong for failure
2-Jan 4020 Mental Subject 4:51 TV playing loudly w the door wide ope
23-Jan 4020 Domestic Trouble 19:41  
13-Apr 4020 Reference 18:07 child following comp around with a camera
23-Apr 4020 Silent E-911 Call 12:13  
23-May 4020 Suspicious 2:14  
26-May 4020 Domestic Trouble 0:36 mother/15 yr old son
31-May 4020 Domestic Trouble 17:56 mother/15 yr old son
27-Jun 4020 Missing Person 23:19 15 yo male gone for 3 days
28-Jun 4020 Domestic Trouble 1:00 mother & son
3-Jul 4020 Missing Person 17:42 15 yo Joseph Chalky/has been a runaway
19-Aug 4020 Assignment 13:03 by family member (juv son) to apt
3-Sep 4020 Missing Person 10:43  
3-Sep 4020 Missing Person 14:03  
7-Sep 4020 Domestic Trouble 1:59 15 yo son drinking in house
14-Sep 4020 Wanted Person 23:49  
2-Jan 4022 Fight 23:19  
3-Jan 4022 Disorderly 3:38 wm banging on door,yelling
3-Jan 4022 EMS Notified 7:54 female c&b advising boyfriend beat her
4-Jan 4022 Disorderly 22:15 party refusing to leave compl home
5-Jan 4022 Domestic Trouble 16:36 m & f arguing over T shirt
5-Jan 4022 Disorderly 19:09 m/f dispute over clothes
6-Jan 4022 Domestic Trouble 11:46 in gettng property
6-Jan 4022 Disorderly 23:49 m has been banging on the door for qu
21-Jan 4022 Disorderly 22:20  
3-Feb 4022 Disorderly 23:48 f refuses to leave
5-Feb 4022 Wanted Person 17:33 poss wof for kenneth carr, for assault wi
12-Feb 4022 Suspicious 8:16  
20-Feb 4022 Unnecessary Noise 4:15 loud party
27-Feb 4022 Domestic Trouble 6:46 yelling at screaming at each other all
3-Mar 4022 Domestic Trouble 4:15 m/f dispute 
8-Mar 4022 Silent E-911 Call 18:57  
8-Mar 4022 Disorderly Cancelled 2 subj refusing to leave
11-Mar 4022 Trouble Unknown 17:26  
13-Mar 4022 Wanted Person 20:16  
16-Mar 4022 Wanted Person 17:49 Frank Armstrong wm 38 yo blond hair
16-Mar 4022 Silent E-911 Call 20:51  
24-Mar 4022 Unnecessary Noise 1:28 loud music
3-Apr 4022 Disorderly Cancelled f refusing to pay cab fare
6-Apr 4022 Domestic Trouble 23:34 m & f in hall from this apt
7-Apr 4022 Assist 11:37 assist compl w getting belongings fro
11-Apr 4022 Unnecessary Noise 12:35 loud music coming form the apt
14-Apr 4022 Wanted Person 14:09 Sherry Armstrong . . Poss wanted for a cap
18-Apr 4022 Domestic Trouble 22:33 1
18-Apr 4022 Unnecessary Noise 22:57 loud music
20-Apr 4022 Disorderly 21:49 dipute w neighbor in apt E
22-Apr 4022 Domestic Trouble 14:32  
25-Apr 4022 Intoxicated Driver 22:43 Robert Carter in white station wago
29-Apr 4022 Unnecessary Noise 23:10 loud people & music from this add
30-Apr 4022 Fight 0:04 glass breaking/f screaming
2-May 4022 Unnecessary Noise 12:18 v loud music from apt, poss wof for sh
9-May 4022 Wanted Person 16:55  
5-Jun 4022 Silent E-911 Call 2:44  
5-Jun 4022 Unnecessary Noise 15:03 loud music coming form the apt
14-Jun 4022 Trouble Unknown 23:43 Long blond hair -beating on apt do
5-Jul 4022 Disorderly 4:04 someone using fireworks near compl
6-Jul 4022 Domestic Trouble Cancelled 2 males arguing  1 refusing to leave
13-Jul 4022 Domestic Trouble 13:33 Male ref to leave
15-Jul 4022 Disorderly 22:29 Keep knocking on co
11-Aug 4022 Domestic Trouble 0:46  
11-Aug 4022 Domestic Trouble 17:34 m & f arguing over T shirt
12-Aug 4022 Domestic Trouble 19:07 m assaulted f
12-Aug 4022 Person Down 22:02 Whi sw with a wf inside unc
12-Aug 4022 See Complainant Cancelled Meet comp to get clothes
13-Aug 4022 Assignment 16:25 Boots
23-Aug 4022 Unnecessary Noise 0:48 loud music & noise
23-Aug 4022 Domestic Trouble 19:17 M/F fighting
24-Aug 4022 Unnecessary Noise 0:48 loud party
3-Sep 4022 Disorderly 2:46 dispute betw neigh.  They forced entry
8-Sep 4022 Domestic Trouble 1:59 2 sisters very violent
7-Aug 4024 Person Down 7:58  
25-Jan 4026 Missing Person 16:55  
7-Jan 4027 Domestic Trouble 19:36 2 w and a m
9-Feb 4027 Larceny 13:07 of clothes
10-Apr 4027 Trouble Unknown 1:52  
3-Jun 4027 Silent E-911 Call Cancelled  
26-Aug 4027 Domestic Trouble 16:17  
5-Sep 4027 Domestic Trouble 23:23 M/F
11-Sep 4027 Break & Enter 14:37  
31-May 4028 Reference 13:12 Dumping to rear of Apt.
4-Mar 4029 Burglar Alamr 19:29 Lautherbach
27-May 4029 Burglar Alarm 18:19  
25-Jun 4029 burglar alarm 2:19  
30-Jul 4029 Larceny 16:51 both tags from '95 chevy
27-Sep 4029 burglar alarm 7:04  
3-Jul 4030 Disorderly 0:22 subjects are down the street fighting
19-Jul 4030 Burglar Alarm Cancelled  
21-Aug 4030 Disorderly 0:26 wm out front
17-Sep 4030 burglar alarm Cancelled  
25-Jan 4032 Break & Enter 9:42  
7-Jul 4032 Disorderly 0:44  
17-Sep 4038 burglar alarm 4:23  
18-Sep 4038 burglar alarm 20:16  
18-Apr 4000B Reference 20:30 civil dispute about car being towed
7-May 4000B Unnecessary Noise 1:20 Music from MacArthur's Rest.
8-May 4000B Unnecessary Noise 20:36 Music from MacArthur's Rest.
10-May 4000B Disorderly 13:26 school age kid
10-Jun 4000B Disorderly 22:26 Skateboarding in parking lot
14-Jun 4000B Unnecessary Noise 0:44 loud talking/poss party
29-Jun 4000B Accident 15:49  
29-Jun 4000B Disorderly 19:55 group of juvs in/out of traff
24-Jul 4000B Suspicious 21:39 WM sleep in a dk colored ford
7-Aug 4000B Vice Offense 19:44  
29-Aug 4000B Promiscuous Shooting 15:56 four shots heard in alley near clinton

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher