Notice to Tenants

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[Notice to Tenants]

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On February 1, 2000, the new owner sent a notice to the tenants of the MacArthur Apts:


February 1, 2000

Standard Notice

To all Tenant's

I have obtained a record of past complaint's and police responses for a partial time during 1999. The results of this record are disgustingly outrageous. Starting immediately, this type of conduct will not be tolerated at the MacArthur Apts. Complex.

Your apartment is your home it is not a party place, not a playground for you or your visitors, and not the Wild Wild West.

The MacArthur Apts. are in an old established neighborhood with a lot of residential houses and we will protect this neighborhood for their peace of quiet. We will not tolerate public or other tenant's peace of mind from any other tenant's. All tenants are responsible for their visitor's actions at all times while on the premises.

Any unnecessary conduct will not be tolerated and will be eliminated According to the terms of your lease or through the legal system.

Our goal is to make MacArthur Apts. a nice, quiet and undisturbing peace of other tenant's and the residential neighborhood, and we will accomplish this goal by whatever means it takes.

This is a STANDARD NOTICE for all tenant's and only applies to the tenant's that do not abide by the terms of the lease or this notice.

Donald L. Seelmann         Sherri C. Wells
Owner                             Property Manager

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher