June 7 Meeting

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Nancy Reynolds prepared the minutes of the June 7 meeting with Mike Sawyer of Traffic Engineering:

Bellevue Civic Association
Traffic Calming Project
Meeting with Mike Sawyer
1602 Princeton Road
June 7, 2000

John Barrett, Winnie Cobb, John Butcher and Nancy Reynolds met with Mike Sawyer of the City’s Traffic Engineering Office on June 7th, to discuss Mr. Sawyer’s ideas for traffic calming in the neighborhood.  Mr. Sawyer’s 12 page proposal is posted on the Bellevue website for review. 

The committee generally endorsed Mr. Sawyer’s approach to the issue, and agreed that the recommended changes should slow traffic while beautifying the neighborhood.  However, there was discussion concerning the City’s intent to proceed with the funding.  It was decided that the best approach to the issue would be to break this project down into manageable pieces, and tackle our problem areas one at a time.  After looking at all of the proposed modifications, the committee unanimously felt that the Bellevue corridor between Hermitage and Brook should be our first project.  Bellevue was chosen because:

  1. Bellevue Avenue is the main artery in the neighborhood, and has the most pressing traffic issues.
  2. Changes made on Bellevue would have an immediate and dramatic effect on the entire neighborhood. 
  3. Modifications used on Bellevue would be tested for use on other streets.
  4. A project of this size (we estimate $50,000+), should tell us very quickly if the City is willing to fund our traffic calming efforts.

John Barrett suggested that Mr. Sawyer provide us with detailed design drawings suitable for presentation so that the Bellevue project can be effectively presented at a future general meeting.

After agreeing on a plan of action, we all took a ride down Bellevue Avenue, with Mr. Sawyer explaining his proposed modifications one block at a time.  The meeting was adjourned after our road trip.

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Here are the emails exchanged on the subject:

Nancy: Thanks for your time and effort in chairing this project.  The
minutes look wonderful and accurate.  I have forwarded your request to
proceed on the Bellevue phase of the project to the City's Traffic Engineer,
who has delivered it to the City Engineer for scheduling in our Street
Design Division.  Per the following e-mails, you can see the wheels are
turning as we begin preliminary design.

We should have a schedule shortly and I believe Nagi Elsewaissi from Street
Design will be the lead engineer creating the preliminary design and
estimates to present to the neighborhood for final approval of the concepts.

The maps left at your house are for your association's use (or to be
discarded at your convenience!).  If you have any questions, please feel
free to contact me at 646-6503.

Mike Sawyer

-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Robert L. (003)
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 10:23 AM
To: Butler, Johnnie E. (003)
Cc: Sawyer, Mike B. (003); Linderman, Diane M. (003)
Subject: FW: Bellevue Civic Association

We have met with the Bellevue neighborhood about traffic issues and they
have concluded what street enhancements they want at this time .  At this
point there needs to be some preliminary design.   What can we expect as a
completion date for the street design and estimates?   If you have any
question as to the scope of the enhancements Mike Sawyer can provide
direction.   See below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sawyer, Mike B. (003)
Sent: June 08, 2000 9:57 AM
To: Anderson, Robert L. (003)
Subject: Bellevue Civic Association

On June 7, 2000, I met with representatives of Bellevue Civic Association's
Safety Committee about traffic calming enhancements within their
neighborhood.  The meeting was very positive and productive.   It was the
general feeling of the group to continue the process on Bellevue Avenue at
three locations as a test of the process and the City's commitment.  The
following locations should have a preliminary conceptual design and estimate
completed by our Street Design Section:
Bellevue Avenue at Hermitage -  Gateway Treatment 14' center median
island, approximately 100'-125' long with intersection chokers at
Bellevue Avenue & Chevy Chase.
Bellevue Avenue at Faquier Avenue - Modern Roundabout Treatment
Bellevue Avenue at Brook Road - Gateway / Channelization Treatment 10'
center median island, approximately 75-100' long.

A estimated completion date will be necessary to relay to their Safety
Committee.  I will be happy to assist in the review of these design

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Reynolds [mailto:nancyreynolds@attbi.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 5:08 PM
To: Sawyer Michael
Cc: Johnrbutcher
Subject: June 7 Meeting - Bellevue Traffic Calming Efforts


We have a plan!

 It is always refreshing when you can leave a meeting and feel as though you
have accomplished something.  Yesterday's meeting really got the ball
rolling!  I am excited about the Bellevue Avenue project and am looking
forward to working on it with you.

It is obvious that you have put a lot of time and effort into this project.
The City is quite fortunate to have someone with your talents and vision on
its staff.  The citizens of Bellevue thank you.

Nancy Reynolds
1602 Princeton Road
nancyreynolds@attbi.com <mailto:nancyreynolds@attbi.com>

P.S.  By the way you left some maps at the house.  What do you want me to do
with them?

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher