During the week of March 19, 1999, the City installed the new stop signs
they had promised the Safety Committee on February 24. .
The four-way (they call them "all-way") signs at Fauquier &
Claremont break up that long run in from the corner of Brook & Laburnum.

Greycourt would have been closer to the middle of the long straight
stretch, but Claremont makes sense as the entry point for the buses on Newport and the
source of the Northside traffic from North Avenue.
The new signs on Bellevue at Fauquier are having a major effect.

This fellow is demonstrating one aspect: Even if he now puts the pedal to
the metal, he won't be going fast when he gets to MacArthur (just behind that parked car
on the left). Now you can turn left from MacArthur onto Bellevue without taking your
life in your hands.
We have the speed data the City
obtained before and after the signs.
For sure some people are not going to like these signs. We have email about them. Your Committee thinks the
signs respond directly to the concerns expressed in the neighborhood survey last March. Unless you tell us to stop we
will be working to get more of them. If you have something to say on the subject,
please speak to Chuck Epes or another Board member,
email John Butcher, or attend the next Board meeting.