Bellevue Av Proposal

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In August, 2000, Mike Sawyer of Traffic Engineering provided drawings of his proposed traffic controls on Bellevue Avenue to Nancy Reynolds' committee.  Email Nancy or John for better copies than those below.

Looking East toward Brook Road, here are Mike's proposals for Bellevue at Brook, Bellevue at Fauquier, and Bellevue at Hermitage,

Bellevue @ Brook

The idea here is to provide an entranceway that will help people realize they are entering a neighborhood, not a raceway.  The median will do that, in addition to slowing traffic through the Bellevue commercial area, and providing a safe halfway place for pedestrians crossing the street.

Bellevue @ Fauquier

The traffic circle Mike was hoping to design for Bellevue at Fauquier did not work out.  Not enough room.  So Mike came up with small islands on each side.  The one on the west side (bottom) is along the existing bus stops, but the one on the east (top) side will cost a couple of spaces. The plan is to leave stop signs on Fauquier but remove the all-ways on Bellevue.  The idea is that the islands will provide a visual obstruction for people approaching on Bellevue and, thus, slow them down.

Bellevue @ Hermitage

Again the island shows people entering the neighborhood that the character of the road is changing.  The "flanges" at Chevy Chase will emphasize that lesson.  These features also will provide the visual barrier to people driving west to keep them from approaching rapidly.

There are lots of issues here.  Please attend the meeting on Sept. 26 to hear what Mike has to say about these proposals.

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher