In a document dated 8/24/99, the City summarized the travel speeds on
Bellevue Avenue before and after installation of the all-way stop signs at the
corner of Bellevue & Fauquier in March 1999. The report concludes
Overall travel speeds have changed very little in the Bellevue corridor
since the all-ways stops were installed.
In fact, the data contradict that conclusion.
They measured speeds on Bellevue between Lamont and Newport and again
between Monticello and Mount Vernon. Their data don't show where in
these blocks the counters were. Mr. Anderson says they generally place
the counters at mid-block. Assuming that much, the location of the
counters gives the first clue to how they have loaded the dice. On the map below,
"S" marks the new stop signs, and the two "X" marks denote
the midpoints of the blocks of the counters.

For sure, a driver at the location of the west counter on Bellevue between Monticello & Mt. Vernon would
not be able to see the stop signs:
A driver on Bellevue at the location of the east counter between Lamont and Newport would be able to see the
warning sign ca 500 ft. away if he knew where to look:
Yet we know from the
literature (the Institute of Transportation Engineers treatise "Traffic Calming, the State of the Practice," Chapt. 5 at 119-20) that:
[W]hile [STOP signs'] impact on speed is limited to the immediate
vicinity of intersections, in this respect they differ only in degree from
any traffic calming measure, all of which have limited areas of influence. .
. .
Traffic calming effects [of STOP signs] were found to be very localized,
extending no farther than 150 to 200 feet downstream of intersections and
even shorter distances upstream.
Thus the Richmond people have measured the speeds at three to five times
the distance any effect would be expected. And they call this an
experiment to find the effect of the signs!
Then the city reports the average of the incoming and outgoing speeds before and after at the two
stations. They say the median decreased by 7.4%, and, apparently from
that, they conclude "very
little" effect.
Aside from the location of the counters there were two problems with that:
The City calculated the % Change wrong and they had some of the median speeds
wrong. Here, for what it is worth, are the data after they got the
arithmetic fixed:
Data Before |
Data After |
50th Percentile |
85th Percentile |
Date |
50th Percentile |
85th Percentile |
Percent Change |
50th % |
85th % |
EB |
Bellevue |
Monticello & Mt Vernon |
3/18/99 |
29.9 |
35.3 |
8/11/99 |
28.2 |
33.8 |
-5.6 |
-4.1 |
WB |
Bellevue |
Monticello & Mt Vernon |
3/18/99 |
30.2 |
35.4 |
8/11/99 |
28.9 |
34.6 |
-4.3 |
-2.2 |
EB |
Bellevue |
Lamont & Newport |
3/18/99 |
31.4 |
37.2 |
8/11/99 |
26.7 |
31.7 |
-14.9 |
-14.9 |
WB |
Bellevue |
Lamont & Newport |
3/18/99 |
25.9 |
30.9 |
8/11/99 |
26.6 |
32.6 |
2.7 |
5.5 |
Avg |
3/18/99 |
29.3 |
34.7 |
8/11/99 |
27.6 |
33.2 |
-5.5 |
-3.9 |
(With the arithmetic done correctly the 7.4% decrease becomes a 5.5%
decrease; it would have been in the City's interest to do the arithmetic right
the first time).
It's no surprise that the data show slight changes approaching the signs
from a distance where the ordinary driver won't even see the signs. More
interesting are the changes departing the signs: The signs produced a 15% decrease in the median speed of the
eastbound traffic, ca. 700 feet east of the signs, and a 4.3% decrease in the
westbound speeds, ca. 1000 feet west the signs. For sure we have
an eastbound effect at a distance some three times the distance at which the
literature suggests there should be no effect.
The City attempted to wash out even that effect: They averaged the incoming
change with the outgoing change. You'll recall that the ITE monograph
says that stop signs have a less pronounced effect inbound than
outbound. Here the City placed the counters at a distance where the
average inbound driver won't even see the signs and then they averaged the
inbound change in speed after the signs were installed with the outbound, with
the result that they produced an average lower than the (unexpected, at that distance) change in the outbound
In short they designed an experiment that should not show any effect, and
then they averaged the data that showed an effect with other data expected to
show even less effect. Not surprisingly they then concluded that " travel speeds have changed very little."
For those of you who are curious, we analyze the data below. The
graphs show the speed interval value reported by the City's counters; these
appear to be the bottom end of the 5mph intervals. Note also that the
curves below were furnished by Excel and they always peak at the highest
datum, not necessarily where a fitted curve would peak.
first at the East (Newport/Lamont) station, we notice essentially no effect
upon the traffic driving west (toward the stop signs) and, as mentioned above,
a very nice
reduction in the speeds leaving the stop signs (note: 18 March was the day
before they installed the All-ways):

These data are remarkably similar to the results Portland
got with speed
Given the Richmond City folks' distaste for stop
signs, we may want to discuss
speed bumps with them.
The West station (Monticello/Mt. Vernon) is farther from the stop
signs and it collects the left turns from MacArthur Ave. The data
there show a slight reduction in speed toward the stop signs (!) and a
slightly larger reduction in speed away from the new
signs. Hard to figure, but there are the data:

After reviewing those data, the kindest thing we can say about the City's
conclusion is that they are wrong. It doesn't take a terribly suspicious
nature to conclude they are cooking the data.
Looking at these data another way, here are the east station
(Lamont/Newport) data before and after the signs:

And here are the Monticello/Mt. Vernon data, also before and after:

In both cases it's hard to deny that something good happened.
If they had measured closer to the signs we can bet the effect would have been
BTW: Please notice that none of these data shows the speeding up phenomenon
that so worried Mr. Rhudy. Indeed, the
only conclusion from these data is that the signs helped, and more signs might
well be more helpful.
Here for completeness are the data from April 6, 1992, collected between
Chevy Chase and Mt. Vernon, eastbound, and between Lamont and Newport,

The Lamont/Newport data look much like the later data. The Chevy Chase/Mt. Vernon location is different, and just 1.5
blocks from the light at Hermitage. The traffic, nonetheless, is moving
briskly. Not much different from the March
18 eastbound data at Monticello/Mt. Vernon
In any event, it's clear that the all-way stops at Bellevue and Fauquier
have had a salutary effect.
The City thus took its data far past the distance where you
would expect to see an effect. Then to minimize the effect they averaged in
the data that should (and did) show even less effect. Even these cooked numbers show an
improvement. Moreover, you don't need numbers to know that you now can
turn left from MacArthur onto Bellevue without risking life, limb, and
It's time to have some more signs at
Mount Vernon and, perhaps, at MacArthur. Maybe even at Crestwood. Call Chuck if you
would like to work on this issue.
You also might be interested to see that more traffic leaves the
neighborhood on Bellevue Ave. than
Map courtesy