Bellevue Av. Traffic

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The traffic counts on Bellevue Avenue in March and August 1999, in connection with the 4-way stop signs there, provide some elementary insights into traffic patterns in Bellevue.

To start out, here are the data:

Total Traffic East West
In Out Diff % In Out Diff %
Before 1187 1355 168 14% 1253 1421 168 13%
After 1168 1305 137 12% 1194 1401 207 17%
Total 2355 2660 305 13% 2447 2822 375 15%
Difference -19 -50     -59 -20    
Diff, % -1.6% -3.7%     -4.7% -1.4%    


Total Traffic Total Grand Total
In Out Diff %
Before 2440 2776 336 14% 5216
After 2362 2706 344 15% 5068
Total 4802 5482 680 14% 10284
Difference -78 -70     -148
Diff, % -3.2% -2.5%     -2.8%

The first thing we see here is that the traffic in August was down 2.8% from the March level.  It's hard to say whether that was because of the new signs or because August is traditionally a vacation month.  More likely the latter.

Perhaps more interesting, there is 14% more traffic going out of Bellevue on Bellevue Ave. than coming into Bellevue on Bellevue Ave. 

Comparing the Bellevue Ave. traffic outbound less that inbound (i.e., westbound traffic = west station - east station, and eastbound traffic = east station - west station) we obtain the following:

Before 102 234
After 111 233
% of Inbound  
Before 8% 20%
After 9% 20%

It appears that the signs didn't make much difference in the totals.  In both directions the traffic leaving the neighborhood on Bellevue Ave. exceeds that entering the neighborhood on Bellevue Ave.:  The westbound traffic increases 20% between Lamont and Mt Vernon; the eastbound traffic increases 8-9% between Mt. Vernon and Lamont.

Looking at the Bellevue Ave. net traffic as a function of time of day (for the March '99 data) we see:

First, something expected: There is a large net flow of traffic out of the neighborhood, going both east and west, from 7:00 to 9:00 AM.  But a lesser outflow continues throughout the day, particularly to the west (Hermitage).  There is no evening rush inflow corresponding to the morning rush outflow, just a decrease in the outflow that turns to an inflow at 7:00 PM, after rush hour is over.   Go figure.

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher