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City Proposal


On April 19, 2000  John Barrett, Winnie Cobb, Nancy Reynolds, and John Butcher met Mike Sawyer of Traffic Engineering to discuss traffic problems in Bellevue. We discussed speeding problems, particularly on Bellevue at Monticello/Crestwood, on Bellevue in the 1200 block, on MacArthur Ave, on Newport Dr., and on Westbrook Ave. We also discussed one-way violations on Pope Ave. and stop sign violations at Fauquier & Crestwood and at Newport & Stratford.

Mr. Sawyer provided a table of accident rates.  Here are the highest accident intersections (1990-99 data) (we don't know what they mean by "severity"):


Accidents Severity
Hermitage Laburnum 131 215
Brook Westbrook 37 69
Brook Laburnum 24 44
Bellevue Hermitage 22 43
Bellevue Brook 10 18
Laburnum Monticello 9 13
Brook Claremont 11 25
Hermitage  Westbrook 8 14

We hadn't realized how many accidents there are at Hermitage and Laburnum.  Mr. Sawyer made it clear that his agency will place a priority on the high-accident locations.  We told him we will be glad if the City can redesign the intersections in question to reduce the rates. The abiding concern of our neighbors, however, is the interior of the neighborhood, particularly the areas listed above.  This is a safety issue but, more prominently, this is a quality of  life issue for the neighborhood.  We will use our Councilman, if necessary, to raise the priority of the interior locations.

Mr. Sawyer explained the engineers' preference for passive controls such as traffic circles, islands, restrictions et al. that do not require enforcement, despite the higher cost.  He emphasized that enforcement alone cannot succeed and that all-way stop signs and their enforcement problems could well be avoided with other controls. He discussed the idea that providing "gateways" at Bellevue and Hermitage, Bellevue and Brook, Fauquier and Brook, MacArthur and Laburnum, et al. will calm the traffic entering our neighborhood.

Mr. Sawyer will provide suggestions on these and other approaches that might resolve the concerns listed above. The Committee will share that information with our neighbors and then contact him again to discuss selection and implementation of remedies.

Mr. Sawyer was most gracious and helpful.  We couldn't say whether this is his natural condition or the beneficent influence of Dr. Jamison's emphasis on customer service.  We can say most definitely that we appreciated the way Mr. Sawyer heard our concerns and shared his own and that we very much like doing our business with the City in this manner.

If you have something to say on this subject, please speak to Nancy Reynolds, or attend the next Board meeting.

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NOTE added on May 30, 2000:

We have the City's proposal for traffic calming in Bellevue

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher