The '99 SOL results are on the State
Education Dept web site. As to Richmond, they are an astounding
record of failure.
Here for completeness are the Richmond
data, excerpted from the statewide spreadsheet (Excel spreadsheet, 116K).
We also have some of the 99 data broken out by class.
Taking a bite sized approach, we start with the Third Grade English.
Here are the data:
GR 3 ENG |
1998 |
1999 |
% CHG |
54.7293 |
61.3731 |
6.6438 |
35.0024 |
40.1223 |
5.1199 |
Bellevue |
26.7857 |
46.3415 |
19.5558 |
Overby-Sheppard |
21.4286 |
19.4444 |
-1.9842 |
Blackwell |
30.6931 |
23.6842 |
-7.0089 |
Fox |
54.0984 |
77.9070 |
23.8086 |
Swansboro |
30.7692 |
22.0588 |
-8.7104 |
Ginter Park |
34.6154 |
34.3137 |
-0.3017 |
RE Lee |
33.3333 |
63.6364 |
30.3031 |
Mason |
33.3333 |
33.9286 |
0.5953 |
Carver |
21.9512 |
32.4074 |
10.4562 |
Oak Grove |
41.7910 |
37.5000 |
-4.2910 |
Patrick Henry |
38.7755 |
48.9362 |
10.1607 |
Stuart |
47.2222 |
54.1667 |
6.9445 |
Summer Hill |
21.0526 |
24.0000 |
2.9474 |
Munford |
73.6111 |
81.8182 |
8.2071 |
Cary |
39.6825 |
44.1860 |
4.5035 |
Woodville |
31.3953 |
22.5000 |
-8.8953 |
Westover Hills |
19.0476 |
31.0345 |
11.9869 |
Maymont |
33.3333 |
24.1379 |
-9.1954 |
Fairfield Court |
37.7778 |
17.1875 |
-20.5903 |
Whitcomb Court |
18.6047 |
11.3636 |
-7.2411 |
Norrell |
32.0000 |
25.0000 |
-7.0000 |
Clark Springs |
36.9565 |
30.3571 |
-6.5994 |
Chimborazo |
27.1739 |
33.6449 |
6.4710 |
Broad Rock |
32.8125 |
33.9286 |
1.1161 |
Redd |
33.3333 |
60.7143 |
27.3810 |
Greene |
37.5000 |
51.0204 |
13.5204 |
Reid |
33.3333 |
31.3725 |
-1.9608 |
Southampton |
54.6667 |
64.8649 |
10.1982 |
Fisher |
63.6364 |
78.5714 |
14.9350 |
Francis |
23.8806 |
39.7436 |
15.8630 |
Here are the same data on a graph, showing the 1998-99 change as a function
of the '98 SOL score (all data expressed as % passing)

The bad news is clear enough: The statewide average score in '98 was 54.7
(the gold point on the graph); the Richmond score was 35 (green point).
The statewide score improved by 6.6% in '99, Richmond by 5.1%. It's bad
enough that Richmond was 20 points behind the statewide average and improved
less than that average; it's astounding that scores at twelve of the Richmond
elementary schools decreased.
There is worse news to come. Here are the data for 3d grade math:
1998 |
1999 |
% CHG |
63.4576 |
67.8472 |
4.3896 |
40.3365 |
40.5959 |
.2594 |
Bellevue |
42.8571 |
51.2195 |
8.3624 |
Overby-Sheppard |
30.9524 |
21.9178 |
-9.0346 |
Blackwell |
35.6436 |
25.0000 |
-10.6436 |
Fox |
59.0164 |
76.7442 |
17.7278 |
Swansboro |
41.8182 |
17.3913 |
-24.4269 |
Ginter Park |
28.8462 |
27.1028 |
-1.7434 |
RE Lee |
45.4545 |
73.5294 |
28.0749 |
Mason |
37.7778 |
37.5000 |
-.2778 |
Carver |
24.3902 |
26.6055 |
2.2153 |
Oak Grove |
43.2836 |
34.5238 |
-8.7598 |
Patrick Henry |
50.0000 |
55.3191 |
5.3191 |
Stuart |
56.9444 |
47.2222 |
-9.7222 |
Summer Hill |
22.3684 |
18.9189 |
-3.4495 |
Munford |
72.6027 |
85.8696 |
13.2669 |
Cary |
30.6452 |
33.3333 |
2.6881 |
Woodville |
27.5862 |
18.7500 |
-8.8362 |
Westover Hills |
12.1951 |
27.5862 |
15.3911 |
Maymont |
23.3333 |
30.0000 |
6.6667 |
Fairfield Court |
34.7826 |
17.1875 |
-17.5951 |
Whitcomb Court |
32.5581 |
13.3333 |
-19.2248 |
Norrell |
41.3333 |
32.8947 |
-8.4386 |
Clark Springs |
34.7826 |
37.5000 |
2.7174 |
Chimborazo |
28.2609 |
25.2336 |
-3.0273 |
Broad Rock |
56.2500 |
48.2143 |
-8.0357 |
Redd |
46.6667 |
50.8475 |
4.1808 |
Greene |
62.5000 |
56.1224 |
-6.3776 |
Reid |
40.0000 |
40.7767 |
.7767 |
Southampton |
61.3333 |
67.5676 |
6.2343 |
Fisher |
61.5385 |
81.1594 |
19.6209 |
Francis |
43.2836 |
50.0000 |
6.7164 |

Note that the Richmond average in '98 was 40.3 vs. the statewide average of
63.4. The statewide average improved 4.4% in '99 while Richmond
increased only 0.3%. Fifteen Richmond schools had scores that decreased.
The Third Grade History results are similarly unsettling:
1998 |
1999 |
% CHG |
48.9258 |
62.4879 |
13.5621 |
27.2244 |
34.2093 |
6.9849 |
Bellevue |
23.2143 |
26.8293 |
3.6150 |
Overby-Sheppard |
13.2530 |
12.1212 |
-1.1318 |
Blackwell |
24.5098 |
19.7368 |
-4.7730 |
Fox |
55.0000 |
82.5581 |
27.5581 |
Swansboro |
19.2308 |
10.0000 |
-9.2308 |
Ginter Park |
21.4286 |
26.2136 |
4.7850 |
RE Lee |
36.3636 |
47.0588 |
10.6952 |
Mason |
25.0000 |
38.5965 |
13.5965 |
Carver |
11.3821 |
29.5238 |
18.1417 |
Oak Grove |
25.0000 |
28.3951 |
3.3951 |
Patrick Henry |
52.0000 |
47.8261 |
-4.1739 |
Stuart |
36.1111 |
30.5556 |
-5.5555 |
Summer Hill |
25.0000 |
16.4384 |
-8.5616 |
Munford |
60.2740 |
80.0000 |
19.7260 |
Cary |
12.9032 |
23.2558 |
10.3526 |
Woodville |
9.1954 |
23.7500 |
14.5546 |
Westover Hills |
9.4118 |
24.4186 |
15.0068 |
Maymont |
20.0000 |
20.0000 |
.0000 |
Fairfield Court |
26.6667 |
14.0625 |
-12.6042 |
Whitcomb Court |
16.2791 |
2.2727 |
-14.0064 |
Norrell |
24.0000 |
18.4211 |
-5.5789 |
Clark Springs |
8.6957 |
20.0000 |
11.3043 |
Chimborazo |
22.8261 |
20.5607 |
-2.2654 |
Broad Rock |
26.9841 |
39.2857 |
12.3016 |
Redd |
26.6667 |
35.0000 |
8.3333 |
Greene |
38.5417 |
47.9592 |
9.4175 |
Reid |
37.1429 |
41.1765 |
4.0336 |
Southampton |
52.7027 |
52.7027 |
.0000 |
Fisher |
45.4545 |
78.2609 |
32.8064 |
Francis |
23.4375 |
34.5679 |
11.1304 |

and the Third Grade Science numbers are affirmatively depressing
GR 3 SCI |
1998 |
1999 |
% CHG |
63.0337 |
68.4906 |
5.4569 |
36.5049 |
35.1288 |
-1.3761 |
Bellevue |
25.0000 |
26.8293 |
1.8293 |
Overby-Sheppard |
30.1205 |
23.5294 |
-6.5911 |
Blackwell |
40.0000 |
21.0526 |
-18.9474 |
Fox |
60.0000 |
76.7442 |
16.7442 |
Swansboro |
30.7692 |
11.4286 |
-19.3406 |
Ginter Park |
30.0000 |
27.1845 |
-2.8155 |
RE Lee |
57.5758 |
61.7647 |
4.1889 |
Mason |
37.7778 |
32.1429 |
-5.6349 |
Carver |
18.8525 |
22.2222 |
3.3697 |
Oak Grove |
32.3529 |
24.6914 |
-7.6615 |
Patrick Henry |
55.3191 |
36.1702 |
-19.1489 |
Stuart |
50.0000 |
40.2778 |
-9.7222 |
Summer Hill |
35.5263 |
17.3333 |
-18.1930 |
Munford |
72.6027 |
81.0526 |
8.4499 |
Cary |
41.9355 |
37.2093 |
-4.7262 |
Woodville |
17.2414 |
19.2308 |
1.9894 |
Westover Hills |
21.4286 |
35.6322 |
14.2036 |
Maymont |
30.0000 |
14.2857 |
-15.7143 |
Fairfield Court |
34.8837 |
12.5000 |
-22.3837 |
Whitcomb Court |
26.1905 |
4.7619 |
-21.4286 |
Norrell |
32.0000 |
23.6842 |
-8.3158 |
Clark Springs |
21.7391 |
25.0000 |
3.2609 |
Chimborazo |
28.2609 |
25.2336 |
-3.0273 |
Broad Rock |
39.6825 |
19.6429 |
-20.0396 |
Redd |
31.1111 |
55.0000 |
23.8889 |
Greene |
42.7083 |
48.9796 |
6.2713 |
Reid |
40.9524 |
32.3529 |
-8.5995 |
Southampton |
54.0541 |
54.0541 |
.0000 |
Fisher |
50.0000 |
74.2857 |
24.2857 |
Francis |
28.5714 |
41.9753 |
13.4039 |

Note that Richmond started 27 points behind the statewide average, and then
declined by 1.4 points while the statewide average improved 5.4 points.
For the Fifth Grade data, we'll leave out the raw data to save space.
Writing looks good (at least in comparison):

English does not (Note: "RLR" = Reading Literature Research):

And neither does math:

Turning to the high schools, the writing scores look pretty good, and
biology shows a much-needed improvement but 'most
everything else is an embarrassment (Note: "EOC" = End of Course):

This is a remarkable record of failure.
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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John