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During the week of July 5-11, 1998, Team A reported the following problems:

  • The drug dealer at the Shirley Manor still plies his trade on MacArthur Avenue.  See the June 7 Team A Outcomes for some history.  See the MAD LUV page for the Good News of recent progress on this subject. 
  • The green house at 3802 Brook Road (in the angle between Brook and Fauquier) keeps drawing a crowd of nice, new cars.  It makes us think the folks there are real party animals, or they are selling something we wouldn't want sold in Bellevue.  Holly Anna says they let her use their hose to water her spectacular garden in the median, and that they seem like nice kids.  Team A has started recording the license numbers of the vehicles parked there, just in case.
  • The kids sitting in the yard at the corner of Fauquier and Avondale reported "verbal harassment" from the occupants of a purple Jeep Cherokee CS45 that was circling the block.  Please look for that vehicle, and try for a tag number.
  • On July 11, the pair of black teenagers (one male, one female) were most interested in the condition of the cars on MacArthur until Team A showed up.  Then they were nervously interested in the flashing yellow light.  When the patrol went around the block, the kids vanished.  May they stay that way!
  • The lawn at 1601 Claremont is in terrible condition: The grass is high, the bushes unkempt, and the alley clogged with greenery; the vines have started to creep in behind the storm windows.  On July 15, John wrote the owner.  When nothing happened before July 28, Winnie called it in to Neighborhood Preservation.
  • The change of owners at 1424 Avondale has produced a large pile of trash by the garage (actually on MacArthur Avenue).  When it still was there on July 25, Winnie called it in to Neighborhood Preservation.
  • One team reported a street light out at the alley, 4026-28 Mt. Vernon, but chose to not call it in.  On Monday, July 13 the light was on.
  • See the June 7 news for the history of the empty house at 1410 Avondale.  As of July 14, despite two Notices of Violation from the City, the sale had not closed and the house still was in the same miserable condition.   John turned the ratchet on July 14 with another letter to the CityOn July 16, the grounds had been cleared and equipment was on the site.   The Codes Enforcement folks say the new owner has applied for the necessary permits.  We see junk being hauled out of the house.  Stay tuned.
  • The lawn at 4000 Brook Road (house is for sale) was reported during the week of  May 10.  A call then from Winnie to the Realtor resulted in a mowing.  The lawn again has gone to seed.  On July 15, the Realtor's sign was missing, so John wrote the owner.   When nothing happened before July 28, Winnie called it in to Neighborhood Preservation.
  • Mitsubishi minivan still is behind CVS.  Alabama tags 47 LL 005; a "Fly Navy" decal; full of stuff.  As of 7/12,  it still is there and still, mirabile dictu, not looted.  It does appear that the level of stuff in the back is lower.  A pickup with Alabama tags has joined the Mitsubishi.  Pretty clearly somebody nearby is parking here.  It's his call whether this lot is safer than the street.

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher