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During the week of June 7-13, 1998, Team A reported the following problems:

  • The open air drug salesman still was at work on MacArthur Avenue (mostly in the alley).   The Commonwealth's Attorney's office and the new Captain in the Third Precinct were at work on the problem.  On July 1, John called to invite the landlord to a meeting to discuss why he hadn't evicted this menace to our community, and what the Association's new Safety Committee was likely to do if he didn't evict.  Henry Briggs, the Realtor, told John that as of June 30, the Shirley Manor had evicted him.  On July 1, the cops towed his car (the low rider with Va. tags MAD LUV).  Winnie will gladly regale you with the details.  On July 2, the dealer and his car both were back.  Looks like this one will take a while longer to solve.  If you are interested in helping, call Chuck Epes or John Butcher, and attend the Safety Committee meeting on 7/22 at Westminster-Canterbury.
  • The empty house at 1410 Avondale looks a bit better with the lawn mowed and the bushes trimmed.  The City codes people sent the owner a Notice of Violation on May 21. On the morning of June 6 there was a FOR SALE sign out front; by noon the same day the agent hung a SOLD sign.  He said the buyer owns the duplex next door, and paid $49,500, cash(!). We hear from the Codes Enforcement folks that the new owner is indeed the fellow who owns that well kept duplex next door, that the closing is set for June 30, and that the new owner has promised to come in and agree to a schedule to fix the place up.   Given the excellent condition of the duplex, and the quiet enjoyment of it by the tenants there, all this is Very Good News.  See the 1410 Chronology page for an interesting story from the Codes Enforcement office. 
  • The bushes behind the Medical Center at 4100 Brook partially block the view into the (already partially hidden) courtyard.  Capt. Winnie called the office manager on 6/16 and John called the owner on 6/23.  On 6/24, the bushes were trimmed some, but not enough we think.
  • We got a report of a street light out in the alley between Claremont and Greycourt.   No block number.  Winnie searched the WHOLE alley on 6/18.  Everything in the alley was OK, but there was a light out at the corner of Monticello and Greycourt.   She called that in.
  • Abandoned truck in the alley behind 1310 Nottoway.  Capt. Winnie followed up, and says it's an old International Scout, not in the alley but up in the yard (perhaps 1306?).   Turns out the City Code limits how long you can keep a junker.  Stay tuned.
  • Following up, the weedy lawn at the empty house for sale at 4000 Brook Rd. is starting to look ratty again.  Capt. Winnie pronounced it messy, but not yet complaint bait.
  • Mitsubishi minivan still is behind CVS.  Alabama tags 47 LL 005; a "Fly Navy" decal; full of stuff.  As of 6/15,  it still is there and still, mirabile dictu, not looted.  It does appear that the level of stuff in the back is lower
  • We had three situations logged without any record whether they had been called in:
    • Green light out on SE corner of Bellevue and Brook
    • Limb down on a car on Seminary Place
    • Limb down on a car @ Crestwood & Westbrook
  • We had two reports of an open garage door at the old 7-11 on MacArthur, with no indication whether the patrol had called the police.  A third patrol reported calling the cops.  That information makes it much easier for Winnie to follow up.
  • Team A again reported the graffiti on the back of CVS.  This is the old graffiti on the cinder block wall on the west side (as reported here earlier, CVS painted the door over).   Knowing how hard it is to paint cinder blocks, Winnie elected to not write them again unless new stuff starts to appear there.
  • One Team A patrol logged 21 miles during the week of June 7.  That's 14 miles per hour, and probably too fast.  But we don't ask for that total so we can criticize you; we want it so we can get an actual miles driven total when we go for grants to pay for things like that amazing new strobe light (which costs over $100).  Please keep logging those miles.
  • Checking out the Mitsubishi on June 15 (after the Great Storm), Capt. Winnie found the electrical service pipe to CVS bent down to about eye level, with a loose wire dangling to the ground. All of this was just waiting to catch some unwary car driving up the alley.  The police secured it a few minutes after Winnie called it in.

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Last updated 05/27/00
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher