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1508 Avondale Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227
July 15, 1998

Mary N. Tucker
1601 Claremont Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227

RE: Property at 1601 Claremont Avenue

Dear Ms. Tucker:

The City’s property tax records show you as the owner of the property at 1601 Claremont Avenue.

During the week of July 5, 1998, Team A of the Bellevue Security Patrol reported the declining condition of the property. The lawn is unkempt; the bushes are untrimmed; and the vines are climbing the house and invading the storm windows.

I know you do not wish that your fine property become a blight upon the neighborhood, and I assure you your neighbors feel the same way.  I would be grateful if you would attend immediately to the condition of this property.

With kindest regards, I am


 John Butcher

 cc: Winnie Cobb

D:\Office files\_bellevue\Patrol\Tucker letter.doc

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher