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Here is a sample FOIA request:1508 Avondale Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227
August 1, 1999BY FACSIMILE: 646-7987
Dr. Calvin Jamison
City Manager
City of Richmond
900 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219RE: Freedom of Information Act Request
Dear Dr. Jamison:
I am a citizen of the Commonwealth and a resident of the City of Richmond. Under the authority of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, I request an opportunity to inspect and copy public records, listed below, that are held by the City through you or any of your subordinates [Note]:
All public records of the Department of Community Development created or received since January 1, 1989, that relate to the property at 1603 Claremont Avenue.
- All official records that set forth or discuss policies or procedures for responses to Freedom of Information Act requests, including, without limitation:
- All records that set forth or discuss whether a written request shall be required;
- All records that set forth or discuss when copying or other costs shall be imposed or waived; and
- All records that set forth or discuss whether the requirements for a written request and prior payment of charges shall be required of ordinary citizens but waived for violators of the building code.
- The property assessment summary showing the owner of record of the property at 1601 Claremont Avenue.
The electronic mail directory for City government.
All public records that relate to or establish the actual cost to the City for the Building Commissioner to duplicate records in response to requests under the Freedom of Information Act.
If any of these records is available in electronic form, I request that it be posted on the City's web site or emailed to me at
Please estimate the cost of supplying these records. If those costs exceed $100.00, please contact me before making any copies.
In the event the City elects to withhold any public record responsive to this request, for each such record please:
Identify the record withheld by date, author, title, and summary or purpose of the document;
Identify all persons outside your Office to whom the record has been shown or to whom copies have been furnished; and
State specifically the statutory exemption under which the City elects to withhold the record.
Please call me at 786-4073 (office) or 264-5942 (home) if I can answer any question regarding this request.
I look forward to hearing from you as promptly as possible, and in any event within the five work days provided by the Act.
With kindest regards, I am
John Butcher
cc: John A Rupp, Esq. (646-6653)
- The Statute
- Links to more information
Please EMail John with your comments.