On Sat. the 15th, Capt. Winnie and Chuck Pyle went out from 11 to 1 to see
if they could do something about the rash of car breakins. They didn't
see anything. Next day Capt. Winnie and Capt. Emeritus Diana patrolled
to 03:00; they saw a stranger using the 'phone at Lauterbach's about
02:00. On Monday the 24th Winnie and Diana went out from midnight to
03:00. They saw the same fellow at 02:00 in the driving snow talking on
the same 'phone. When they came around the block, they saw a pickup
leaving and the man was gone. They don't know if this was a drug pickup
or what.
Monday the 17th Diana and Capt Sandy went out in the wee hours and saw a
gray, '87 Volvo pulled up. The car took off and pulled in a driveway on
Crestwood. When the capts. approached the Volvo took off and
Following a meeting with he Safety Committee on 1/24, Diana is organizing
early morning patrols. Why don't you make some coffee and call her up?
The experience causes Winnie and Diana and Sandy and Chuck to ask you to
remind your neighbors to:
- PLEASE leave the porch lights on, and
- PLEASE don't bait the neighborhood by leaving stuff out in the car.
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