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The week of January 17, 1999 again was quiet. Team A reported the
following problems:
- Capt. Winnie found five (count 'em) inoperative street lights. When
she called them in to 780-5100 they connected her directly to the person in charge of
street lights. Thats a sensible new procedure.
- On a less helpful note, the lights at Azalea Mall were out on three
different nights. The Henrico dispatch folks asked each time what we wanted them to
do. Each time, we had a clear but biologically improbable suggestion that we
restrained ourselves from offering. Winnie and Diana have made it a project to find
out whom to call. Watch this space.
- The door to the utility room on the Medical Center was open (it opens to
Brook Road!). We called the police, who took care of it.
And here is the status of the matters from earlier patrol weeks:
- The abandoned van at the corner of Windsor and Brook was placarded to be
towed on December 2. It now is gone.
- 1603 Claremont had two abandoned cars, one in the driveway and one in the
back yard, and very little paint on the building. On August 10, Winnie called it in to the Neighborhood Preservation folks (who have jurisdiction over the cars) and John
called it in to the codes enforcement
folks (who have jurisdiction over the unpainted house).
Mr. Treger checked it
on Sept. 3. He couldn't find who owns the lot, so he sent the citation to the person
who is paying the water and gas bills. Those folks declined to sign the certified
mail receipt; Mr. Treger tracked down the tenant and served a summons on October
9. They did not show up on the 28th, and the court issued a bench warrant.
More recently, Mr. Treger found a registration on one of the abandoned vehicles.
Capts. Winnie and Diana are went to
court with him on Nov. 24. The folks at codes enforcement,
as is their wont, haven't even talked a
good fight. We also have reports of heavy in-and-out traffic at this
address. The Safety Committee
also has taken this on as a project. Please be on the lookout for strangers making
short term visits there. On January 26
a Richmond Grand Jury issued a presentment against 1603 Claremont and its owners. See the Safety Committee
pages for information about the presentment the Grand Jury
issued against the property and its owners. It took multiple cars from Winnie to the
police tow lot, but they finally towed the last car. We also have seen a copy of a capias (arrest order) for the co-owner: Hugh
Anthony Gomes. The house now is empty. If Gomes shows up, be sure to call the
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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John