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During the week of October 25, 1998, Team A reported the following problems:

Capt. Winnie tried to report the collapsed garage, abandoned car, and weeds at 1629 Nottoway to Mr. Treger.   He had already found them and issued a citation.

And here is the status of the matters from earlier patrol weeks:

  • new.gif (16973 bytes)The Safety Committee met on Sept. 24 to discuss the crack dealer in the MacArthur Apartments.  As of Nov. 2 he was GONE!
  • Last month, our Captains went for a drive while Bill was in therapy (He is well, and getting better, thank you!).  They found so much stuff in the alleys that it took a letter to Mr. Treger to list the part they judged the neighborhood cleanup might not get.  Mr. Treger issued citations on all of it except the 1600 Claremont-Nottoway alley, which looks to have been cleaned up.
  • In light of the street people who had been living in the abandoned sofas behind the Samis Grotto, Winnie called in the abandoned sofa in the alley behind the house for sale at 1410 Nottoway.  Mr. Treger issued a citation.  As of the week before the patrol week, the sofa was gone.  We don't know if that was the neighborhood cleanup or Mr. Treger's efforts.
  • We got another report of the abandoned scout behind 1310(?) Nottoway.   Winnie consulted the ordinance, and called it in to Mr. Treger, who cited it.
  • The persistent pile of trash behind the Shirley Manor brought another call to Mr. Treger.  He promises a summons by Monday, Sept. 28.
  • 1603 Claremont has two abandoned cars, one in the driveway and one in the back yard, and very little paint on the building.  On August 10, Winnie called it in to the Neighborhood Preservation folks (who have jurisdiction over the cars) and John called it in to the codes enforcement folks (who have jurisdiction over the unpainted house).   Mr. Treger checked it on Sept. 3.  He couldn't find who owns the lot, so he sent the citation to the person who is paying the water and gas bills. Those folks declined to sign the certified mail receipt; Mr. Treger tracked down the tenant and served a summons on October 9.   They did not show up on the 28th, and the court issued a bench warrant.   More recently, Mr. Treger found a registration on one of the abandoned vehicles.   Capts. Winnie and Diana are going to court with him on Nov. 24. The folks at codes enforcement, as is their wont, haven't even talked a good fight.  We also have reports of heavy in-and-out traffic at this address.  The Safety Committee also has taken this on as a project.  Please be on the lookout for strangers making short term visits there.
  • The green house at 3802 Brook Road (in the angle between Brook and Fauquier) keeps drawing a crowd of nice, new cars.  It makes us think the folks there are real party animals, or they are selling something we wouldn't want sold in Bellevue.  Holly Anna says they let her use their hose to water her spectacular garden in the median, and that they seem like nice kids.  Team A continues recording the license numbers of the vehicles parked there, just in case.

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher