News from Sudie

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Sudie Pasco lives at the corner of Avondale and Monticello, where she receives the full blast of the mechanical noise from the Holton School.  She circulated a petition and took it to the School Board on Aug. 7, 2000.  By all reports she did a dynamite job.   Here is some of her correspondence.  We also have her email about some later progress.

From: "sudie pasco" <>
Subject: Re: Holton (still)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 17:42:13 -0500

Hi John,

Thank you for your concern. A trial solution was supposed to be in place by 
10/31, but as you can hear, this is not the case. Mr. Ergens is my contact 
in Plant Services, and I called him today. He faxed me two updates that he 
sent to Archie Harris (who I presume forwards them to the Board). On the 
phone, Mr. Ergens explained that the project is on-going and is presently at 
the feet of the machine manufacturers who need to correct the noise to 
conform to their own regulations. He explained that W.M. Jordan,the 
contractor, is the go-between with the manufacturers since the School Board 
did not make a direct purchase. Apparently, this process is causing the 

I know that any pressure applied to the Board is going to end up on Mr. 
Ergens' shoulders and he is not presently in a position to deal directly 
with the manufacturers. I appreciate that they are continuing to keep me 
informed and are progressing (although very slowly) towards a solution. . . . 
I am concerned that there is no new date for a "trial solution," . . . 

Below is a copy of the updates Mr. Ergens faxed to me earier. His note about 
the lights is confusing, but it looks like they have installed a timer that 
we could perhaps use to fix when lights are ALL on and when some are OFF. 
Perhaps the neighborhood and PTA could meet to agree on a schedule that 
would meet both safety and "livability" concerns. It will be no cost to 
change the lights' schedule now that the timer has been purchased and 

TO: Archie Harris
FROM: M.F. Ergens
DATE: 10/31/2000

The following is an update to my memorandum of Sept. 20, 2000 and Mr. 
Migliarese's HVAC Equipment Sound Analysis of Oct. 5, 2000.
The analysis indicated that the fluid cooler was generating sound levels 
greater than their literature indicated could be expected. Therefore on 
October 25, 2000, Michael Doucette (WM Jordan), Jim Migliarese (VA 
Industrial & Commercial Equipment, Inc), and I met at the school with Bryan 
Cooper (RW Hayes), the equipment supplier, and Ned Bastian (Bastian 
Mechanical, Inc.), the mechanical contractor. The purpose was to confirm the 
field sound level readings and ascertain any others that may be required.
The results of this meeting verified the levels sound readings recorded in 
Mr. Miglirese's analysis. Several corrctive actions were discussed; however, 
Mr. Cooper stated that the information would be forwarded to the factory for 
Regarding the exterior security lighting fixtures. A timer is to be 
installed this week, which will deactivate all fixtures on the building at 

TO: Archie Harris
FROM: M.F. Ergens
DATE: 11/10/2000

On Nov. 8, 2000, engineers from Evapco (the fluid cooler manufacturer) 
visited the site to obtain criteria. Michael Doucette (WM Jordan), Jim 
Migliarese (VA Industrial & Commercial Equipment, Inc), Bryan Cooper (RW 
Hayes), the equipment supplier, Ned Bastian (Bastian Mechanical, Inc.),the 
mechanical contractor, and I were present.
After obtaining sound level readings, the information will be studied and 
corrective work will be performed as required.In addition, in an efort to 
further reduce the machinery noise, the factory will offer suggested 

>From: <>
>To: "Pasco, Sudie" <>
>Subject: Holton
>Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 22:58:49 -0500
>I heard the damn thing roaring when I got home this evening.
>Are we getting any progress from the School Board? If not, may I be nasty
>to them?
>John Butcher
>1508 Avondale Avenue
>Richmond, Virginia 23227
>(804) 264-5942
>Cell: (804) 405-2566
>@ Work:
>(804) 786-4073 Fax: (804) 786-0034
>Born free. Taxed to death and beyond.
> -- Turk Sties

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From: "sudie pasco" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: Holton Noise and Lights
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 5:50 PM

Here is a brief wrap-up of our presentation to the School Board and the
   On August 7th, Jesse and I were joined by our neighbors Joe Kelly, Clyde
and Irene Jennings to present a neighborhood petition to the School Board.
Dr. Pretlow required that we provide her with a  petition before she would
consider reducing the impact of Linwood Holton's lights on our neighborhood.
Our petition also asked that the mechanical noise at Holton be reduced so
that it no longer negatively impacts our neighborhood. Although Dr. Pretlow
had not requested that the petition be presented to the School Board, her
office had not  contacted me or returned my calls since the May 11th news
story on the problems at Holton. This persuaded me that our concerns needed
to be heard by as many as possible, so we decided to formally present the
petition to the School Board. Prior to the presentation, I contacted
Chairman Emblidge, Representative Laffoon and Representative Midkiff who is
in charge of the Facilities Committee for the Board. Mr. Emblidge never
returned my call, but Mr. Midkiff drove by one day to listen to the noise
firsthand, and Mr. Laffoon met with us after work to see the lights and hear
the noise.
    Our presentation began with a review of things we have done to be good
neighbors to the school: joined the PTA, purchased items at the School
Auction, called the police when copper thieves were seen at the construction
site, regularly clean up litter in the school yard, etc.Then we explained
that the Holton School could be a better neighbor by adding shields to its
halogen security lights so that they illuminate the school yard and not our
homes and by reducing the impact of the noise. We passed out handouts
showing color pictures of the lights and machinery that were causing the
problems. These pictures showed clearly which street lights the neighborhood
requested and which were the intrusive, glaring halogen lights. We also
included pictures of the brick wall which surrounds Mary Mumford's machinery
and the buildings which block TJ High's noisy machinery from affecting
neighboring homes. These examples contrast strongly with the exposed
machinery of Holton.
We demonstrated the impact of the noise by  playing radio static in the
background during the majority of the presentation. The static registered
between 61 and 71 decibels on our sound meter, and we passed the meter
around so that the Board could measure for themselves what we endure every
   At the conclusion of the community presentation portion of the meeting,
Bill Laffoon asked Dr. Pretlow what she was going to do about this. She said
she was just waiting for the petition and assured the Board and us that "she
had everything she needed now to act- we had provided her with more than
what she had asked for." Mr. Laffoon asked her if she had any idea how many
footcandles of light were being emitted by the security lights. He said it
looked like 40 or so. She said that it had been measured, but that she had
no idea what the engineers had found. She then said that the only reason the
light was there was because the neighborhood had requested them. Although I
was in the audience at this point, I stood up and was recognized. I pointed
out that security was important to the neighborhood, and that our issue is
not with the lights themselves, so much as with the direction they are
pointing- right out at our homes! I emphasized that we would like the school
yard lit, but that this should and could  be accomplished without also
making it daylight in our yards and homes.

We exited after this and as we gathered our things, Mr.Midkiff came and
spoke with us outside of the Board Room. He said he was very interested in
seeing this resolved, and wanted us to keep in touch.  I shared that Jesse
and I had even offered to buy trees ourselves and plant them to block some
of the light an noise, but that Archie Harris shot this offer down with a
firm, "No, no you can't just be doing that." Mr. Midkiff said he could
sympathize since it took his neighborhood 7 years to give a playground to
Mary Mumford.
The following week, Mr. Mel Ergens called from the School System's
Facilities Team. Mr. Ergens directed the planning of the three schools  for
the School System, and he has asked a contractor to come to our neighborhood
and measure the noise. Although we had set a meeting for last Friday, Mr.
Ergens asked to reschedule due to the weather.

We met today at 1pm and he and the engineers he had gathered were still
taking readings and studying the systems when I left at 3:10. Both the
independent contractor who measured the sound and the engineer who installed
the systems for the School agree that there were relatively inexpensive ways
to fix the noise caused by the cooling tower and the large fans that face
Avondale. They measured the sound in our home, at our front door, and from
Joe Kelly's deck and found readings consistent with the decibel levels we
had measured. They also had Stan turn off all of the machines at the School
and were amazed to record next to no sound (They had thought it would only
differ by a few decibels since we live near Laburnum, but their measurements
showed a tremendous difference in decibel level.)
Mel Ergens and the engineer also shared that Archie Harris had directed Mel
to turn off the historic lights that the neighborhood had requested. I
showed Mel a copy of our Petition as well as the pictures we had handed out
to the School Board. Arrows in these pictures clearly show that the
historical lights are not the ones at issue; it is the direction of the
halogen lights on the building that we have asked be changed. Mel Ergens is
making copies of this information  and plans to do his best to see that it
is rectified in a manner consistent with the neighborhood's request.
Everyone prepared me for the fact that the noise will not be stopped
entirely, but we agreed that things could be done to reduce the intensity,
direction and length of time of the noise.
Mr. Ergens has clearly undertaken to resolve this matter, and I have been
very impressed with his efforts to organize a response team and maintain
clear lines of communication with all of us.
If you can recommend a good way to reward his dedication or at least
recognize his efforts, I'd appreciate any ideas.

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From: "sudie pasco" <>
Subject: Call from Mel Ergens 
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000 12:17 PM

* * *

Today I was contacted by Mel Ergens with the Richmond City Schools. He is 
interested in bringing an independent contractor out to our homes to measure 
the noise and hopefully plan a solution for our neighborhood. This is the 
first time since May 11th that anyone from the School system has initiated a 
call to me or returned one of my calls, so I am very encouraged!
Mr. Ergens asked me for my permission to have the contractor measure the 
noise from our yard, and I have asked him to let me meet the contractor to 
let him measure it from inside our home, too. I also gave him your email 
address so that he could ask your permission to measure the noise from the 
Mr. Ergens hopes to schedule the contractor Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of 
this week. He was extremely helpful on the phone and encouraged me to keep 
in touch by providing me with two phone numbers (914-7700, 780-6012)as well 
as his email address( Everyone else sent me to 
someone else, but he seems to be taking responsibility for this project. 
I'll keep my fingers crossed!

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From: "sudie pasco" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Fwd: Holton Noise
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 4:10 PM

Hello Councilman Johnson,
Thank you for agreeing to assist our neighborhood with the continuing 
light and noise problems associated with Holton School.

If you have a chance to run by our front door before 5pm today, you can 
hear the yellow generator which registers 74-76 decibels from our front yard 
and necessitates shouting to speak with someone only a few yards away. I 
drove home to enjoy a cheap lunch and had to listen to this machine the 
entire time. The generator seems to come on at least once a week when the 
air conditioners have been running, and it generally remains on until the 
air conditioners are turned off around 5pm.

The last time I was home for lunch and had to endure the noise, I called 
Archie Harris and held the phone out my front door for him to hear the 
noise. The person who had answered the phone heard the noise loud and clear, 
but Mr. Harris said he could not hear it a bit. I think you'll agree with 
the first person if you have a chance to hear the generator before 5pm 

Thank you again for your willingness to support our neighborhood,
Sudie Pasco

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From: "sudie pasco" <>
To: <>
Subject: Holton Lights and Noise
Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 12:33 PM

Hi Tim,

Thank you very much for your call last week. My husband and I have been 
out of town for some time, and we apologize for not getting back to you 
earlier. My husband and I are very interested in having the Neighborhood 
Association assist us with the Holton School issues. The three main issues 
have been:

1. Excessive lighting

2. Disruptive noise levels coming from exposed machinary

3. Trash

The trash in the dumpsters is now being picked up at least twice a week 
which means overflow garbage is no longer trashing the ground around the 
dumpsters and attracting vermin to the area. Although the dumpsters are 
being emptied more regularly, both my husband and our neighbors, Joe and 
Clyde, have watched bus drivers kick garbage out of their busses while 
waiting in line along the bus path. This seems to be the preferred manner of 
cleaning out the busses, and regularly items such as doctors' notes and 
other school-related trash is blown into our yards and sidewalks. When my 
husband confronted a bus driver he had watched sweep trash into the street, 
she rudely denied it and shut the bus door. We plan to take this issue to 
the principal, but have not done so yet.

Holton's lighting illuminates the homes and yards on both both sides of 
Avondale. The light is emitted by 4-5 halogen lights which run the length of 
the building and a series of street lights along the bus route. Delores 
Pretlow met with me briefly in May and said that the only reason the lights 
are there is because the neighborhood demanded them. She said I would need 
to present her with a petition before her group would make any changes. She 
did say that engineers had been asked to consider options and installing 
shields over the most objectionable halogen lights would be too expensive. 
It might be possible for the outside lights to be placed on separate 
switches so that only one set could be turned on at a time. This would not 
be pursued until I presented a petition with at least the signatures of 3/4 
of those affected. I have not had an opportunity to write this petition, but 
all of our immediate neighbors are willing to support it.

>>If anyone at your meeting has a copy of a petition that I could use to 
>>write ours, I would greatly apprecite any sort of template. I am not sure 
>>where to begin to write an effective petition.

The noise problem was addressed two days after channel 12 ran a story on the 
problem (May 11, 2000). The superintendent's sudden flurry of activity 
involved bringing out engineers who determined that the noisiest machines 
could be turned off at 5pm and on weekends when the building was not in use. 
These machines are turned back on around 5 am. Unfortunately, the noise is 
still between 61-70 decibels during the day and some evenings or weekends 
when the building is in use or someone failed to turn the machines off (one 
time the maintenance man said an electrical storm might explain why the 
noise continued all weekend). The generator, which seems to come on once a 
week during hot weeks, creates a noise in the 74-76 decibel level (90 is a 
rock concert and 54 is the max in county neighborhoods).In June I contacted 
Delores Pretlow to thank her for her group's initial efforts and to see what 
would be done next to reduce the noise pollution during the day. She has 
never returned my call, and John Butcher has encouraged me to start 
e-mailing her or sending letters. I also spoke to Archie Harris who assurred 
me "everything will be taken care of, Mrs. Pasco" and refused to give me a 
timeline for resolution or any ideas of how his team planned to reduce the 

>>I need to create a petition or some call to action which will move the 
>>School system to reduce the impact of Holton's noise on our neighborhood. 
>>The Noise Ordinance for the City (Section 18-2) says any noise which 
>>disturbs others' natural repose is illegal, and we have a police report 
>>filed against the school just for the record. We have also looked at other 
>>schools and have seen that machinary that borders a neighborhood or street 
>>is surrounded by a wall or shrubbery to not only make it quieter but also 
>>hidden from view. None of these considerations were made by the Holton 
>>School. I spoke with the electrician who installed the air condiditoning 
>>units, and he said that his team could not believe that the machinary was 
>>being installed so close to homes without any walls or noise barricades.

>>Bill Laffoon and Bill Johnson have both said they will help us address 
>>this problem, but I am not sure how best to proceed at this time. If the 
>>Board has any ideas for action steps or recommendations for a petition, 
>>please forward these to me.

I finish my summer graduate classes next Thursday, so I will be able to have 
the time to write a petition or take the additional steps you suggest at 
that time. Thank you for considering our issues as possible agenda items to 
add to your Board Meeting tonight. I will be in class 7-9, and on patrol 
9-10:30, so please reach me before then at 967-6154 or if 
you have any questions.

THANK YOU very much!
Sudie Pasco

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From: [] 
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 5:01 PM
Subject: Updates from Avondale

Hello Councilman Johnson, 

Last week I was working in Chester, so I did not have an 
opportunity to call you at an appropriate hour and thank you for 
keeping my husband and I updated on your efforts to have the School 
Superintendent's office address the noise and other issues at the 
Holton School. We greatly appreciate your adding your voice to our 
efforts and keeping us informed on the responses you have received. 

I took the information and contacts you kindly provided to me last 
week and met briefly with Dr. Predlow this morning. I did not have an 
appointment, but we had played phone-tag for two days, so I 
appreciated her speaking with me in her 5 minutes of available time.

Here is a brief outline of our conversation:

1. Dr. Predlow began by explaining that she lives across from a school 
and that residents near a school sometimes just have to deal with 
noise. When I explained our situation, she concluded that the noise she

hears probably would not register 61-70 decibels. I added that you and

Mr. Laffoon had heard the noise and agreed that it seemed excessive for

a neighborhood. 

2. She confirmed that Archie Harris' team has asked engineers to look 
into the problem and sited her office as the office which is 
accountable for dealing with the situation. I asked if we could be 
informed of when the engineers were visiting so that we could invite 
them into our yard or home to fully assess the direction and impact of 
the noise and she said that this could not be done because nothing was 
going to be done for one family. She then agreed to phone us if the 
engineers thought it would be helpful to come into our home or yard to 
determine a solution. I added that my concern was prompted by a 
conversation with your liaison, Norvelle Robinson, who said he had 
talked to someone (he could not recall a name) from Archie's office who

said the engineers could not find any noise. Dr. Predlow did not 
comment on the engineers' observations, but said that she knows Mr. 
Robinson well and would provide updates as available. 

3. Dr. Predlow also said that since the city cannot afford to do 
anything for one family, that we would need to organize a petition 
signed by at least 3/4 of those affected. I assured her that this 
would be my next step and that I would ask Tim Pfohl to add these 
concerns to the next Bellevue Civic Association Meeting. (I have 
already met with the four immediate families most affected as well as 
two others further down Avondale who have agreed to help however they 
can. Several neighbors who are bothered by the blinding lights and 
noise when they go for walks also want to help us.) 

4. I asked what solutions were being considered by the engineers and 
Dr. Predlow cited the following:

* Running the Mechanical systems between 5/6am and 5pm. 
Concerns- Effect on air in the building? Mechanically possible?

* Covering the fans with appropriate shields
Concern- Engineers have said this is too costly

* Adding a switch so that only one set of lights is left on at 
Concern- cost of switch and fact that she says neighborhood is 
only one that wanted lights in first place 

* Adding shields to the light fixtures to direct the light at the 
darkened school walls instead of neighborhood homes.
Concern- cost of the shields and fact that "Those lights are 
there because you (the neighborhood) wanted them there."

5. I asked what contingency plans were being developed if the 
engineers could not devise a viable solution. I explained that we had 
expected an environmental screen of trees based on the plans we had 
seen at the Ginter Park Library. Dr. Predlow was unaware that this 
had been part of the plan and said that the drawings at the library 
were probably just the architect's drawings. She added that there also 
might not have been, nor would there be any money for a screen of 
trees. Landscaping had been promised by Archie Harris in a 
conversation I had with him the last week of September 1999, but 
evidently a screen of trees was not part of the promised landscaping.

6. I asked what sort of timeline Dr. Predlow had set for Archie Harris 
and his team to address and rectify this problem. She responded 
emphatically that there was no timeline for a resolution. 

7. Dr. Predlow concluded the conversation by reiterating that nothing 
would be done for one family and encouraged me to take it to my Civic 
Association. I agreed and thanked her for her time. 

I greatly appreciated Dr. Predlow's willingness to meet with me when I 
did not have an appointment. I wanted to update you on this 
conversation since we will be seeking your support if it is necessary 
to request further action.

I am especially concerned that Dr. Predlow has no expectation for a 
timeframe for dealing with this problem. I understand her 
unwillingness to provide any specifics while the problem is still 
being researched, but I have the impression that the recent flurry of 
activity is only due to your calls, and the recent calls from the 
media we contacted. With no goal in mind for resolving this issue in a 
timely fashion, I fear that they could drag their feet 
indefinitely.(When I called Dr. Predlow's office three weeks ago, the 
receptionist said it wasn't an issue for that office, I "needed to 
call the police if I had a complaint about noise." The morning after 
12 on Your Side contacted the 17th floor, I had messages from her and 
Archie Harris assuring me that the problem was being taken care of.) 

If you have any additional thought or suggestions at this time, please 
contact me at home 261-2993 or at my office 967-6154 (e-mail address- 

Congratulations on your May 2cnd victory and thank you again for 
following up on these concerns for us. 

Sudie Pasco

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From: "Sheila Hill-Christian" <>
To: "'sudie pasco'" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: **Updates on Holton School**
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:36 PM

Thank you for the information. The only other suggestion I can offer is
that the chain of command as you know is Dee Pretlow, then the Supt. and
then the appropriate school board member or school board. Mr. Lafoon(sp?)
is scheduled to begin his tenure soon. If item #2 is not addressed to your
satisfaction, keep in mind that it is the school board that approves the
budget, and certainly has the authority to request additional expenditures
on Holton School. My observation from City council meetings has been that
citizens taking the time to attend school board (or council) meetings when
other avenues have failed, usually get their issues addressed. An
unfortunate, yet effective method of getting things accomplished.

Feel free to contact me at any time if I can assist.

Sheila Hill-Christian

-----Original Message-----
From: sudie pasco []
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:14 PM
To: Hill-Christian, Sheila - CMO
Subject: **Updates on Holton School**

Dear Ms. Hill-Christian,

Thank you for your efforts to help us resolve the noise and lighting
problems that are currently making the Holton School a poor neighbor. I
apologize if this is the second note from me that you have received, but my
laptop froze earlier, and I this is my attempt to resend an update.
In your last voicemail, you encouraged me to contact you if matters were not
being handled in a timely fashion. Last week I met with Dr. Pretlow for five
minutes and I wanted to update you on the current situation:

1. Dr. Pretlow confirmed that her office is responsible for addressing the
noise and lighting at Holton School.

2. Dr. Pretlow said that engineers are looking into adding a switch that
would allow one of the two sets of light currently pointed at our
neighborhood to be turned off while the other is on. When I asked about
shields to direct the light to the school grounds and not at our homes, she
said this option had been determined to be too expensive.

3. Archie Harris is leading a team to determine the most cost-effective way
to reduce the effect of the noise on our neighborhood. Dr. Pretlow said we
should expect a trial and error period while solutions are tested.
** Since May 17th, this group has tested turning off the loudest machines at
5pm and turning them back on between 5 and 6am. It was great to hear
crickets and to speak in normal voices in our backyard for the first time in
9 months!!! The loudest machines were also off on Saturday and Sunday.
** We have received no word since the beginning of this test to communicate
whether this test will continue or ask for our feedback.

4. Dr. Pretlow emphasized at the close of our conversation that her office
would not continue its efforts to resolve this "for one family." She asked
me to produce a petition signed by 3/4ths of those affected, or her group
would not be compelled to continue to use resources to resolve this matter.
I assured her that we had already met once to discuss these issues and that
the neighborhood could produce a petition.
** We plan to meet with our neighbors again after the holiday weekend to
create and sign a formal petition.

Although I have received no assurances from Dr. Pretlow or her office
stating that this matter will be resolved to the neighborhood's
satisfaction, we are pleased to see some efforts towards a solution.

Thank you VERY MUCH for your time and efforts to motivate the behemoth
of the City Schools' infrastructure to address these issues. Until the news
media became involved, you and Bill Johnson were the only individuals at
City Hall to respond to my or my neighbors' communications. You took
ownership to motivate key individuals when others sent me to dead
voicemails, never returned my calls, said they didn't know what to do or
told me to call the police if I had a noise problem. We may need to ask your
assistance again if Dr. Pretlow's office decides to discontinue its current
efforts to resolve this matter.
Please contact me if you have any suggestions or if you hear any updates
more recent than these, and thank you, again, for your time and effort.

Sudie Pasco
(w) 967-6154

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Thus we see Ms. Pretlow saying that it's OK for the School Board to make Sudie's home unlivable, so long as they don't do it to a bunch of other folks.  Really good attitude for a person whom we're paying to work for us.

The same Delores Pretlow told the BCA in October 1997 that the reason for the new school was to provide smaller classes.  As set out in the letter below, the data at the time gave the lie to that.  Now, of course, we know that they are closing other schools, i.e. replacing buildings, NOT reducing class size.  

We're about to learn to expect a consistent and high level of mendacity from the schools in general and Ms. Pretlow in particular.

                                                                                                1508 Avondale Avenue
                                                                                                Richmond, Virginia  23227
                                                                                                June 9, 1998

BY FACSIMILE: 780-4122

The Hon. David Baugh
Member Elect
Richmond City School Board
301 North Ninth Street
Richmond, Virginia

RE: Thirteen Acres School

Dear David:

The School Board provided the following enrollment data to the committee discussing the enrollment zone for the Thirteen Acres School:


Ideal Capacity

Current Enrollment

Space (deficit)













Ginter Park




Overby Sheppard








Thus we see that the “ideal” capacity of the Northside schools exceeds the demand at a time when the enrollment is declining. 

Based on earlier but similar data, I asked Ms. Pretlow at a Civic Association meeting last October why we are building a 600-student school[1] at Thirteen Acres.  Ms. Pretlow first responded that I must not have been listening to her.  Apparently she concluded that my question reflected a misunderstanding and that the misunderstanding was caused by my failure to listen rather than her failure to communicate.

Ms. Pretlow then delivered a speech about serving the needs of all the schoolchildren of Richmond.  That response put me in mind of a wind chime: It sounded very nice but had no substantive content.

This leaves my question unanswered.  The School Board’s own data show that the capacity of the Northside schools is some three classrooms above the demand.  Viewed otherwise, the schools in question are undersubscribed by about 1.3%.  The proposed Thirteen Acre School will increase capacity by another 18%. 

After my experience with Ms. Pretlow, I wrote to ask the same question of Mr. Law.  He did not reply.  I expect the staff will answer the question if it comes from you, and I hope you will ask it.

With kindest regards, I am

                                                                                                John Butcher

[1] The staff folks assured us throughout the design phase that Thirteen Acres would be designed for an enrollment of 432.  Now they are telling the enrollment zone committee that the school is designed for 600.

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher