Notes from Citizens’ Advisory Task Team for Customer
Service. (Unattributed items written by Carol Bracey [of the City Manager's Office])
Citizens Advisory Task Team Meeting of July 18, 2001
Carol Bracey, Delores Esparza, Bruce Lewis
Barbara Brancoli, Marie Hart, Turk Sties
Waverly Crawley, Zoe Anne Green, Pam Wiegardt
Donita Harper, Sherrye Ward
The meeting opened at 6:00p.m. with a presentation from Donita Harper in the
Department of Public Utilities on proposed changes to the format of the
utilities bills. The team asked questions and offered suggestion on sections
devoted to Metrocare contributions, customer telephone numbers, bank payment
options, etc.
Zoe Anne Green explained the purpose and process of the Community Assisted
Public Safety (CAPS) program. Modeled after the Norfolk initiative, CAPS is a
citizen-driven program that received approximately $900,000 from the City's
budget to "clean up" the City in six major neighborhood areas. Clean up
efforts might include: illegal drug activity, abandoned and problem properties
and cars, etc. Cooperation between citizens, code enforcement officials,
police, and court judges is expected to be instrumental in maintaining a safe
and esthetic environment. Connie Bawcum was acknowledged for her hard work on
both the Neighborhoods-in Bloom and CAPS program.
Carol displayed two sample drafts of the City and Citizen Responsibility
document with a people-oriented picture and a building-oriented picture. The
team voted to accept the people picture, with the option to distribute both
versions if the cost is within limits.
The team agreed to acknowledge the Public Works street cleaning crew with a
'thank you' note on their follow-up work as requested by the team.
The team agreed to consider special public awards for persons who voluntarily
and regularly sweep streets, pick up trash and otherwise maintain
neighborhoods on their own time. Coordination will be made with Billie Raines
in Public Works who has a similar reward program.
Carol announced that the City University has been approved and the City is
forming a "Learning Council" to help the University take shape. Members,
Delores Esparza and Pam Wiegardt will serve on the Council.
Turk reported on a short-term fix around a previous drainage problem.
Carol distributed an e-mail copy on the Recycle program. It clarifies that
recyclables are not deliberately mixed with other wastes at the landfill by
the City or the recycle trucks. No meeting was scheduled for the month of
August. The meeting closed at 7:15 p.m.
Submitted by Delores Esparza
Meeting notes from January 17, 2001
Carol Bracey, Barbara Brancoli, Sherrye Ward, Pam Wiegardt, Waverly
Crawley, Delores Esparza, Bruce
Jenkins, Jullia Proctor, Mary Bennett, Turk Sties, Zoe Ann Greene, Frances
Richardson, Denise Wise, Cathea Harris, Tonia Churchwell, Bruce Lewis
Date: September 20, 2000
Place: 7th Floor large Conference Room, DPW
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
In attendance: Mary Bennett, Jullia Proctor,
Barbara Brancoli, Pam Wiegardt, Denise Wise, Turk Sties, Zoe Anne Green,
Delores Esparza, Viola Parsons, Eric Hunter, Frances Richardson, Waverly
Crawley, Charlette Woolridge, Carol Bracey, Selena Cuffee-Glenn, Avis Royal
Not able to attend: Bruce Lewis, Valerie
Kirby-Moore, Robert Englander, Jerry Miller.
The team welcomed two new members, Fran and Eric.
Carol reported on the status of the supercans being left
out of place and being tossed around. David and staff have an inspection
program in place. David wanted Carol to reinforce to the team that they should
report any problems that they see with the above through the Customer Care
Center or directly to David Wall. Please give as many specifics as you can to
David has called the Central Virginia Waste Management
Association to share with them similar observations (tossing around and out of
place) about the recycling bins. Carol will report back to the team in October
the response from CVWMA and to whom it was reported.
Delores Esparza shared with the team the FOIA training
being planned and scheduled for completion by calendar year end. Specific
positions (front line) and departments will be targeted for the training.
Billie Winzor is scheduling training as part of the lunchtime series offered
by Human Resources.
Carol shared the response from Traffic Engineering on the
issue raised by Zoe Anne on the parking around restaurants in certain areas of
the Fan. Zoe Anne opted to strike the issue off the agenda and considered it
closed. In essence, it is highly unlikely that Traffic Engineering will revive
what has been a volatile issue in the past.
Jullia Proctor explained the issue of paving then digging
up streets in the city. Patterson Avenue is one example. Jullia expressed her
concern again about the poor condition of city streets and the apparent lack
of coordination of scheduled work among departments that do work in the
The team did not find the explanation acceptable
regarding the rationale for cleaning the residential areas on Grace Street.
The team would like to fully understand the city’s street cleaning policy
and plan. There are inequities in regards to the cleaning of residential areas
that the team believes need to be addressed. They invited Keith Nelson, Street
Maintenance Supervisor to the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October
18, 2000 to gain a better understanding.
Carol will meet with Keith to discuss this issue in detail.
The team wants the city to be consistent in its
application of the street cleaning policy as it relates to posting of signs
and towing cars. Reference is made to Monument Avenue where the city was
observed cleaning around cars and not towing any of them. In addition, Zoe
Anne Green observed signage (notice of street cleaning) poorly placed on a
street to the extent that she had to adjust the signage to make them more
visible and conspicuous to citizens. The city is being asked to “post and
tow” and follow its own policy, consistently. And, to put up the correct
signs that say that. Carol will also discuss this issue with Keith Nelson and
report to the team in October.
Parks and Recreation and Public Works currently use
community service workers for routine work. Community Service Workers are
being used to pick up loose trash and some bulk trash. All are under
supervision of the Sheriff’s Department and most are serving time for
traffic and other non-criminal offenses. Overtime expenditures are an issue
that Carol reported and the city is currently using community service workers
to the largest extent possible given overtime budget and other constraints.
Denise Wise and Pam Wiegardt enlisted the help of Eric
Hunter and Fran Richardson to help draft the Citizen/City Responsibility
Carol distributed copies of the CVWMA 2000 calendar and
another brochure on waste management.
Viola offered to give Fran a demonstration of the
Citizens’ Tracking System.
Carol asked the team to help the city when they report
complaints by being as specific as they possibly can. Generalities do not get
the same results as specific information.
Turk got a call from Bob Dunn about the Monument Avenue
and Stuart Circle drainage problems. We do expect Bob and Turk to follow up on
this issue.
Eric raised the issue about drainage problems on the
Southside that have been ongoing for several years. City Council and others
who need to know are fully appraised of the issue. Eric wanted this team to
add some support and help take the issue forward. Selena Cuffee-Glenn met with
Eric after the meeting and plans to work with him on a strategy to keep the
issue vibrant and focused.
The team agreed there are drainage problems all over the
city that need to be addressed as a citywide project.
The meeting ended at 7:30 p.m. The next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th (3rd Wednesday of
every month) at 6:00 p.m. in the 7th Floor Conference Room in City
Hall. Refreshments will be served at 5:30 pm.
Notes from Citizens’ Advisory Task Team for Customer
(Written by Carol Bracey [of the City Manager's Office])
Date: August 16, 2000
Place: DIT Training Room
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
In attendance: Mary Bennett, Jullia Proctor,
Barbara Brancoli, Pam Wiegardt, Denise Wise, Turk Sties, Zoe Anne Green,
Delores Esparza, Viola Parsons, Judy Flaherty, Agnes “Polly” Wallace.
Not able to attend: Selena Cuffee-Glenn, Bruce
Lewis, Waverley Crawley, Charlette Woolridge, Eric Hunter, Valerie
Kirby-Moore, Robert Englander, Avis Royal, Jerry Miller.
Viola gave a demonstration of the Citizens’ Tracking
System, and showed the Web Page on the city’s site that offers access to
some commonly-used forms.
The Fan Parking Permit due date to coincide with Property
Tax due dates was put on hold. Ms. Dumbauld, Director of Finance,
wants to consider this request at a later date after more pressing
priorities are under control
David Wall responded to complaints raised about the
improper handling and placement of super cans. David has an expectation that
supervisors will do quality control checks. In addition, DPW is increasing the
hiring of full time staff and decreasing the use of temporary staff.
He encourages citizens to call DPW with any situations they observe
that are contrary to expectations, and he will follow up appropriately.
The same complaint is made for recycling bins. Carol will
mention to David Wall.
The team reported experiences with front-line city staff
that indicate a need for additional training in regards to the Freedom of
Information Act. Carol will follow up with a request to Human Resources to
consider hosting a lunch time series on the subject with front-line staff as
the targeted audience.
Ms. Mary Bennett reported having received no recycling
calendar yet this year. Carol will check with David Wall.
Viola displayed the draft of the Citizen Service Guide
set for completion in the fall. Directors are to review and comment, and
Public Information is to approve before the guide is submitted for printing.
How does the City of Richmond handle repeat violators of
the code (related to upkeep of property)?
Can we shorten the time frame for sending notices of violation?
Mention was made of Norfolk’s process that is seemingly successful in
minimizing such code violations. Perhaps we can study their process and use it
to improve our process? Carol will get a response from Community Development
and report back to the team in September.
The issue of equity of services was raised again. The
city cleans Main Street and Grace Street every day. What is the logic? Carol
will make contact with Street Maintenance in DPW and report back to the team
in September.
Observation made on Monument Avenue that we cleaned
around the cars parked on the side of the street. No cars towed. Carol to
share with DPW.
Use more prisoners to do work and help free up some city
employees. Carol said this was an action item on the list of the departments.
She will find out which department plans to increase the use of prisoners and
report back to the team.
Pam and Denise accepted the task of drafting a set of
guiding principles for citizens and the city. Zoe Anne will share with them
the document used by Team ZT that can serve as a guide. We need to think of
merging the two documents, later.
The meeting ended at 7:30 p.m.
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