CRIME UPDATE: Call 257-9705
We formed the Bellevue Security Patrol in February, 1996, in cooperation with the
Richmond Police Department, to fight crime and disorder in Bellevue.
We are the eyes of the Police Department in Bellevue, and our flashing yellow light
tells criminals to feel unsafe if they come to prey on our neighbors.
All our members are trained by the Police. Each of us patrols with a
partner for 1-1/2 hours every four weeks.
You can ride along with a patrol to see how we do our work. Call 257-9705 and leave your name and 'phone number.
You can JOIN the patrol. Call 257-9705 and sign up
for training at the next session (see the Calendar).
And here you can read the Patrol News. You also can
follow the link to the Safety Committee pages where you can review the crime data for Bellevue.
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