Sudie Pasco reports that the Holton noise appears to be abated:
From: "Pasco, Sudie" <>
To: "'John Butcher'" <>
Subject: RE: Holton
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:41 AM
HI John,
There is still some noise but it has been reduced to the extent that
it no longer is audible in our house. We can hear it in our yard, but
the noisy cooling machine does not run as frequently as it once did.
The gauge they added to this machine should be reducing the school's
energy costs too.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: John Butcher []
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 3:29 PM
To: Pasco, Sudie
Subject: Holton
How is the noise?
From: "sudie pasco" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 5:18 PM
Subject: Good News From Holton!
> Hi John,
> > Someone must have heard our e-mailed grumblings because today I
> surprised by quite a Christmas Present! Jim, John and another engineer
> at the school around 3pm today and caught me as I left my house to return
> work. They shared that Mel Ergens had called them and given them
> go-ahead to implement A-L-L of their recommended changes.
> This will include a hood for the fan over the back door, a guage on
> cooling tower that will make it run less often and a few other changes.
> sound will still be noisy at times, but there will be fewer
> involved and each machine will run for less time. This is a compromise I
> live with (I think!). Jim said that Mel Ergens did not want to take a
> baby steps and drag the process out longer because he was "getting a
lot of
> heat from above." I imagine some funds were left in some budget at
the end
> of the year to cover the more high-end solutions. I even met the
> who will be responsible for implementing the changes, and he definitely
> our side of the problem.
> One of the biggest problems seems to be the actual design of the
> which amplifies the sound and directs it right at our homes. A new
> subdivision is being built behind a sister school on the Southside and
> said WM Jordan and the School Board may have to remedy the sound there
> well. I hope they learned a lesson that will save us taxpayers some
> in the future. > I'll write again if I don't see any activity in the
next few weeks. Thank
> you for your continued assistance!
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As Sudie reported, the School bureaucracy was talking and writing memos
while the affront to our neighborhood continued. Butcher is afflicted by
the notion
that the City and its offshoots should be good
neighbors, so he fired off the following
to our School Board Member:
1508 Avondale Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227
December 2, 2000
BY FACSIMILE: 780-4122
William P. Laffoon, Member
Richmond School Board
3716 Moss Side Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227
RE: Holton Nuisance
Dear Bill:
We have had very little action from the
Richmond school administration
since Sudie Pasco spoke to the Board on August
7 about the nuisance
at Holton School.
The back of the new school faces the
corner of Avondale and Monticello.
The new school has two machines there. One
sounds like an old truck
taking a long grade and the other sounds like an old
truck with no muffler
taking the same grade. Not only does this side of
the building sound like
a factory and look like a prison, they lit it like a
prison, with halogen lights
that glare out into my neighborhood.
We are told that a timer was being
installed during the week of Oct. 31
to turn the lights off at 10:00 PM. As
you can see from Sudie’s email,
reproduced below, aside from talk and
memoranda we have had no
progress whatever on the noise.
It has become clear during this episode
that the bureaucrats who work
for you do not care that the school is a lousy
neighbor. I know you do not
feel that way
My neighbors and I would be grateful for
anything you can do to eliminate
this nuisance the school is maintaining in
our neighborhood.
With kindest regards, I am
John Butcher
Email from Sudie Pasco,
Hi John,
Thank you for your concern. A trial solution was supposed to be in
place by
10/31, but as you can hear, this is not the case. Mr. Ergens
is my contact in
Plant Services, and I called him today. He faxed me
two updates that he sent
to Archie Harris (who I presume forwards them
to the Board). On the phone, Mr. Ergens explained that the project is
on-going and is presently at the feet of
the machine manufacturers
who need to correct the noise to conform to their
own regulations. He
explained that W.M. Jordan, the contractor, is the
go-between with the
manufacturers since the School Board did not make a direct
Apparently, this process is causing the delay.
I know that any pressure applied to the Board is going
to end up on
Mr. Ergens' shoulders and he is not presently in a position to
directly with the manufacturers. I appreciate that they are continuing
keep me informed and are progressing (although very slowly)
towards a
solution. . . . I am concerned that there is no new date for a
solution," so I may take this issue to Mr. Laffoon. Any suggestions
be much appreciated!
Below is a copy of the updates Mr. Ergens faxed to me earlier. His note
the lights is confusing, but it looks like they have installed a timer
that we
could perhaps use to fix when lights are ALL on and when some
are OFF.
Perhaps the neighborhood and PTA could meet to agree on a
schedule that would
meet both safety and "livability" concerns. It will be no
cost to
change the lights' schedule now that the timer has been purchased
TO: Archie Harris
FROM: M.F. Ergens
DATE: 10/31/2000
The following is an update to my memorandum of Sept. 20, 2000 and
Mr. Migliarese's HVAC Equipment Sound Analysis of Oct. 5, 2000.The
indicated that the fluid cooler was generating sound levels greater
than their
literature indicated could be expected. Therefore on October
25, 2000, Michael
Doucette (WM Jordan), Jim Migliarese (VA Industrial
& Commercial
Equipment, Inc), and I met at the school with Bryan Cooper
(RW Hayes), the
equipment supplier, and Ned Bastian (Bastian Mechanical,
Inc.), the mechanical
contractor. The purpose was to confirm the field sound
level readings and
ascertain any others that may be required. The results
of this meeting
verified the levels sound readings recorded in Mr. Miglirese's
Several corrective actions were discussed; however, Mr. Cooper
stated that the
information would be forwarded to the factory for study.
Regarding the exterior security lighting fixtures. A
timer is to be installed
this week, which will deactivate all fixtures on the
building at 10pm.
TO: Archie Harris
FROM: M.F. Ergens
DATE: 11/10/2000
On Nov. 8, 2000, engineers from Evapco (the fluid cooler manufacturer)
the site to obtain criteria. Michael Doucette (WM Jordan), Jim
Migliarese (VA
Industrial & Commercial Equipment, Inc), Bryan Cooper
(RW Hayes), the
equipment supplier, Ned Bastian (Bastian Mechanical,
Inc.),the mechanical
contractor, and I were present.
After obtaining sound level readings, the information
will be studied and
corrective work will be performed as required. In
addition, in an effort to
further reduce the machinery noise, the factory will
offer suggested remedies.
>From: <>
>To: "Pasco, Sudie" <>
>Subject: Holton
>Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 22:58:49 -0500
>I heard the damn thing roaring when I got home this evening.
>Are we getting any progress from the School Board? . . .