General 2002

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 Bellevue Civic Association General Meeting
March 12, 2002

1.  President Tim Pfolh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Christ Ascension Episcopal Church.  Tim started the meeting by thanking the following individuals/businesses:

  • Rev. David Keill for providing their facility space for the meeting
  • Dominos for pizza and Walgreens for soda, drinks and paper products
  • Irene Jennings for coordinating the dinner arrangements
  • Florenz Sterling and Mary Garber for the work on the newsletter
  • All the Board members and committee members for their work

 2.  2002 General Assembly Report.  The Honorable Delegate Viola Baskerville reviewed highlights of the session including:

  • Governor Warner did a good job bringing Education back into the forefront of the session.
  • Still a huge gap in resources and we will lose services as a result.
  • Different regions are “breaking off” to deliberate on their own problems and determine solutions, i.e., Hampton Roads.
  • Will be back in session on 4/17/02 for their veto override session.
  • She thanked everyone for his or her contribution to the session in terms of participation.
  • Delegate Baskerville is offering a 2-hour Saturday educational tour to explain how the General Assembly works.

 3.      School Board.  Bill Lafoon spoke briefly, but offered his phone number for further communication.  His phone number is 321-8735.  He has verbal confirmation that the Bellevue Civic Association can use Holton School for their next meeting on 6/13/02.  He explained that the School Board is currently reviewing next year’s budget and it will be deliberated next Monday night.  He continues to be concerned about the transportation budget and the fact that next year’s budget proposal does not include any building renovation funds.

 4.      Elections/Slate of Officers.  The following slate of officers was unanimously approved:

·        President – Tim Pfohl, Bellevue Ave.

·        Vice-President – Ed Parks, Crestwood Ave.

·        Treasurer – Lee Householder, Nottoway Ave.

·        Secretary – Amy Harr, Monticello Ave.

 5.      By-Laws:  The following changes were made to the proposed by-laws and approved:

·        Article III – Membership – Motion failed to change proposal; proposal approved.

·        Article VI – Nominations, elections and Term of Office –

                                                   i.      Section 1 – Proposal to increase election terms to two years failed; proposal approved as submitted.

                                                 ii.      Section 3 – Proposal was approved with the addition of “in the fourth quarter of the year” at the end of the first sentence.

                                                iii.      Section 4 – Proposal was approved with the addition of  “close of the year” at the end of the sentence.

·        Article IX – Meetings

                                                   i.      Section 1 – Now reads, “The regular meetings of the Association shall be held quarterly, including an annual meeting, as announced by the Board.  The Board shall call other meetings as necessary.

 6.      Westminster-Canterbury.  Staff announced that they are “on schedule” with the plans that they shared previously.  They have received 10% deposits from 152 people.  They continue to expect to break ground in 2003 and open their new expansion facilities in 2005.

 7.      Crisis Pregnancy Center.  Tim explained that the Crisis Pregnancy Center had received a 90-day deferral and that their special use permit will now be reviewed by City Council on 5/28/02 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.  Neighbors are encouraged to attend to represent their point of view.

 8.      North District Neighborhood Team.  Ed Parks explained the purpose of the Neighborhood Team concept.  The North District Team meets every 3rd Thursday of the month and he is our representative.  All the neighborhood associations are invited to attend these meetings.  Ed said that the Bellevue Civic Association is looked upon as a model civic association.  A lot of information is shared at these meetings about the North District.  The focus of the meetings will be on public safety, education and business development.

 9.      Safety and Security:

·        Neighborhood Watch.  Libby Clark reported on the latest crimes in the neighborhood and the failed responses to the 911 calls.  There was a recent meeting with the Police where the specific problems were identified and actions taken.  She is having a Neighborhood Watch meeting on 3/26/02 at 7:00 p.m. at Westminster-Canterbury.

·        Security Patrol.  Chris Sterling reported on the impressive number of hours and mileage donated by the patrol volunteers.  He announced that the committee is developing a welcome packet for newly arrived neighbors in hopes of recruiting more volunteers.  Volunteers continue to be needed!

·        Crime.  John Butcher reported that review of the criminal activity at the Redwood Apartments continues.  John continues to explore options.

 10.  Adjournment.  Tim adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. with the reminder that the next general meeting will be June 13, 2002 at Holton School.

 Submitted by:
Kathleen Sadler
Former Secretary