General 2000

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Bellevue Civic Association
September 26, 2000

The September general meeting of the Bellevue Civic Association was held at 6:30 p.m. September 26, 2000, at Christ Ascension Episcopal Church with pizza provided by Domino’s Pizza at Lakeside and sodas provided by Walgren’s.  Vice President and Acting President Tim Pfohl called the meeting to order about 7:00 p.m.  Both the Secretary and the Treasurer were out of town so there were no minutes or treasurer’s report.  Tim mentioned that the General Fund is really low, around a couple of hundred dollars, and asked for dues.  In response, he received more than 10 dues payments (a couple even paid $10-$20 for their dues and asked that we raise the dues from the current $6.oo).

Land Use - Tim explained the plans from the last meeting with Glenn Kiger from Imperial Plaza regarding the use of the church on Hermitage Road and the fact that the position of the Bellevue Civic Association has always been to support the Association affected.  Therefore, the Bellevue Civic Association will support the Hermitage Road Association.  He has since learned that Imperial Plaza has backed off on its proposed plans for the church as an Anglican Church is considering buy the church to use for its own church.  This is expected to happen in December or January.

Westminster-Canterbury - The second item on the agenda was Westminster-Canterbury’s planning process for the use of the Westbrook site.  Bill King from Westminster-Canterbury said that they are thinking about what to do with the site.  They have launched a four-month planning process in which they will look at the business functions and the services provided by Westminster-Canterbury.  After this, they will draft a business plan for the Westbrook site’s use (around February 2001), and follow with a master plan sometime in April 2001.  One priority is to preserve as much green space as possible, and a second is to make Westminster-Canterbury more a part of the neighborhood.

Mr. King said that they have made it known to Mr. Dewberry that they are interested in purchasing all of the old Azalea Mall with price a consideration.  He also said that Westminster-Canterbury will work with the Civic Association to address the problems with the wooded area in back of the Azalea Mall Garden Center.

Mr. King responded to questions on the use of Azalea Mall if purchased and would for the Azalea Mall Garden Center to be able to stay.  He answered that they do not have the perspective of administration, but that they want to be more outwardly focused and that these questions would be considered.  A request was made for the Bellevue residents to provide possibilities to be considered because Westminster-Canterbury is really interested in feedback from the community.  Mr. King’s telephone number is 264-2000.  He also announced that Beryl Riley is Bellevue’s representative to the Westminster-Canterbury’s Civic Association.

Mr. King also shared the Westminster-Canterbury cultural brochure and invited residents to participate as the facility strives to become more a part of the community.

Traffic Calming Proposals – Mike Sawyer, from the City Traffic Department, presented a set of proposals for the traffic calming design.  Nancy Reynolds, of the Civic Association, has been working on this problem with the city.

The major area of concern is Bellevue Avenue, and a number of Bellevue Avenue residents attended and voiced their concerns regarding the current situation and the proposed plans which include narrowing the travel lanes on Bellevue.  These issues ranged from the proposed travel lane width, not addressing drainage, and other needs to the near misses at the Fauquier Avenue four-way stop signs.  Twyla ? from the hardware store raised good points about these other needs, and Virginia Carpenter, at the corner of Fauquier, is interested in other possible solutions.  The Association will attempt to convene a work session with interested folks from the three design areas, which also include Bellevue/Fauquier and Bellevue/Hermitage.  Block captains were asked to contact residents.  The Civic Association was also asked to meet with the business community.  Mike Sawyer will serve as a resource for the work group.

Crisis Pregnancy Center – Tim Pfohl reported that the Crisis Pregnancy Center staff met with the Board and shared its plans for the use of the donated medical building, which will provide the medical facilities to do medical testing and to have large birthing classes.  No site plans or special use permits have been filed.  Once they are filed, they go before the Zoning Board, which usually meets in the fall.  The Civic Association will provide door-to-door notice of the hearing.  The Civic Association would like to see this facility used as a medical facility and kept on the tax roles for the neighborhood.  The major concerns are the hours of operations, that it will not serve the community at all because it will provide programs for low-income persons, and the possibility of people hanging out around the facility while waiting for rides.

Holton School Noise – Sudie Pasco and her husband went before the School Board and presented a petition that the noise and light be addressed.  They also did a live demonstration.  Representatives of the construction firm ran a test which confirmed the excessive noise.  There were simple solutions:  a wall will be created around the cooling tower with a test run scheduled in October.  Valerie Harrison, from the school PTA noted that the noise is also loud within the gym and that the Civic Association has gotten further than the PTA in the noise reduction.

Tim also mentioned that the Civic Association wants to make Holton School a community meeting center as was initially proposed.  Ms. Harrison also said that the PTA is paying $48 per hour for the use of the school for its meetings.

Ms. Harrison announced that the school is looking for reading mentors and the upcoming annual auction.

Security Patrol – There was no report.  Tim announced the next training will be on September 28 at Battery Park Christian Church.

Plant Swap – The Plant Swap will be held October 21 from noon to 1:00 p.m.

Neighborhood Cleanup – The Neighborhood Cleanup will be held from 8:00 a.m.-noon on Saturday, October 28.  John Fisher is looking for volunteers to ride the five promised trash truck.

Water Stops for the Richmond Marathon – Chuck Epes asked for volunteers to hand out water and juice at the stop just inside the Bellevue Arch and to cheer the runners on for the November 18 marathon.  He also announced the receipt of $300 for being last year’s best water stop.

Safety Committee Report – John Butcher announced that there is no current crime data as the police data base is not Y2K compliant, and the new system will not be up for a year or two.  Data for the last six years show that the apartment complex on Chamberlayne is responsible for the crime problems.  He also announced that the new landlord on MacArthur has cleaned up his apartments and that the city will prosecute the owner of the Redwood Apartments the next time a drug bust occurs and that the City has now been brought into the issue of Section 8 housing on Chamberlayne Avenue at taxpayers’ expense.  He also announced that the efforts to clean up the derelict property on Avondale and Claremont have been successful.

Friends of Bryan Park – Irene Jennings reported on the work of this committee which she chairs and that there is still work to be done.

State and Federal Historic Designation – Tim announced discussion of the possibility of obtaining State and Federal Historic Designation for Bellevue.  This would not mandate paint or design restrictions and approval unless the owner applied for the applicable tax reduction for renovations

Other Announcements – Irene Jennings asked for volunteers to brainstorm on the Bellevue cookbook and for volunteers to help paint the Bryan Park gatehouse.  Nancy Reynolds asked for volunteers, including the merchants, to meet to work on the traffic calming issues.  The Board of Directors for the Lutheran Diocese is meeting this month to discuss the future of the old Richmond Memorial Hospital building as apartments for the elderly.

Dates of Note October 2 – City Master Plan Hearing
                           October 12 – Acorns Awards

Florenz S. Sterling
Substituting for Kath Sadler, Secretary

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Vice President, Tim Pfohl, opened the meeting at 6:30 after a pizza dinner provided by Domino’s.  The meeting, which was primarily devoted to the upcoming elections, was held at Christ Ascension Church.

  1. Introduction of School Board candidates.  Tim introduced both David Baugh and Bill Lafoon who are candidates for the school board seat in our district.
  1. Introduction of City Council candidates.  Tim introduced both Jean Williams and Bill Johnson who are candidates for the City Council seat in the 3rd district.
  1. Introduction of Captain Paul Kiniry.  Tim introduced Captain Kiniry who is the new captain for the 3rd precinct.  He acknowledged the problems that Bellevue has had recently (both the robbery and shooting on Bellevue Ave.) and talked about the positive programs that Bellevue has implemented.  He recommended that we also initiate a “Court Watch Program”.  He welcomed communication while Bellevue was still in the 3rd Precinct (Bellevue will become part of the new 5th Precinct on July 1, 2000 when Captain Goodall takes charge).  He can be reached at 780-6214 or at
  1. Imperial Plaza.  Tim introduced Glenn Kiger who talked about their plans for the church on Hermitage that has been purchased by Imperial Plaza.  Sheltering Arms is interested in using the church space for an outpatient facility.  Mr. Kiger reported on the status of their architectural planning for that transition.  He said that the church was built in 1960 and has no historical value.  They are planning to build a portico, replace the roof and eliminate the steeple.  There would only be an exit drive off of Hermitage.  Mr. Kiger passed around architectural drawings.  He said they would need a special use permit specific to outpatient rehabilitation use and he said that it would be specified so that a methadone clinic could not gain access at a later time.  When asked what plans Imperial Plaza had if this plan did not materialize, Mr. Kiger said that they had none at the present time. 

Tim then asked for an informal vote to indicate who was in favor and who was opposed to the Imperial Plaza plans.  All but one in attendance was in favor of their plans.

  1. Westminster Canterbury.  Tim introduced staff members, Bill King and Carolyn Raskind, to talk about the plans for their new acquisition of the Charter Westbrook site at 1500 Westbrook.  Mr. King said that they will connect with City and County groups in their planning and their goal is to preserve as much “green space” as possible.  Ms. Raskind invited BCA members to visit Westminster Canterbury, particularly on the Garden Walk Day when they open up their gardens to the neighborhood and their upcoming musical concert.
  1. Treasurer’s Report.  Ed Parks was in attendance.  No formal report was made.
  1. Secretary’s Report.  Kath Sadler was in attendance.  Tim asked that the minutes of the full association meetings and the Board meetings be placed on the Bellevue website.
  1. Security Patrol.  Mauri Shaw announced that the next training would be May 8 at 7pm.
  1. Neighborhood Watch.  Libby Clark announced that there would be a meeting on May 16 at 7pm at Westminster Canterbury for all block captains, section leaders and other interested parties.  Captain Kiniry will be a presenter at the meeting.
  1. Safety Committee.  John Butcher announced that:
    • MacArthur Avenue Apartments – MacArthur Apartments has improved with the new landlord; however, Shirley Apartments now has drug selling on the premises.
    • Traffic Problems – The City has finally responded to Bellevue’s request to study our problems, particularly with speeding.
    • Chamberlayne Avenue – There is a major focus on this area, including a study underway along with a lot visibility by members of the Bellevue and Ginter Park Associations.
  1. Neighbor Clean Up.  John Fisher announced that the clean up is scheduled for  

            May 6 from 8am to noon.  Volunteers are needed.

  1. Plant Swap.  Kath Sadler announced that the 2nd Plant Swap would be on May 6 from noon to 2pm.  It will take place across from Nuttall’s on MacArthur Ave.
  1. Garden Walk.  Michele Banalet and Florenz Sterling announced that the Garden Walk would be June 11.  They were still in the process of recruiting gardeners.

Tim adjourned the meeting at 8:55.

Submitted by:

Kathleen P. Sadler, Secretary

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher