Sept. 7, 1999

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[July 7, 1999]
[July 28, 1999]
[Sept. 7, 1999]
[October 4, 1999]

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From: <>
To: Presson, Diana <>; Clark, Libby <>; Epes (at home) <>; Jones, Holly Anna <>; Maurice Shaw <>; Pfohl, Tim <>
Cc: Green, Zoe Ann <>; Poarch, Billy <>; Sties, Turk <>; Purnell, Kevin <PURNELKD@CI.RICHMOND.VA.US>
Subject: Squalor
Date: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 6:20 PM

On Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1999, Zoe Anne Green convened an Operation Squalor meeting at her lovely home on Far West Franklin Street. Attending were Kevin Purnell, Whitney Tymas, and Peter Duffy (phonetic spelling) of the Commonwealth's Attorney's office, Capt. Beadles and Lt. Bennett of 3d Precinct, Turk Sties, Billy Poarch, Meg Ryan, and Yours Truly. The Coke was wet and the potato chips salty.  When we get the official Minutes from Zoe Anne I will forward them to you. In the meantime, here is a brief recap.

Purnell provided a summary of the status of the Operation Squalor properties.

1603 Claremont is in the hands of the City Attorney. At the same time Purnell is keeping an eye out for information about Mr. Gomes and Ms. Bourne.

3914 Chamberlayne Ave (Chamberlayne Square, now known as North Court Apts) has benefitted from the increased security provided by owner Everett Allen, Jr. The police are comfortable with the improved situation. The presentment still is open: Purnell will follow up with the police and the complaining neighbors to be sure there is nothing more to be done. He also will pull the police call data on Mr. Allen's several other properties to be sure there is not a residual problem elsewhere.

3916 Chamberlayne Ave (the Redwoods) is another story. Despite indictments of Mr. & Mrs. Woelfl some two years ago, the problems (especially drug sales and prostitution) continue. Last time in court, Judge Nance declined to accept a plea, and heard the informal plea agreement under which the Woelfls would take control of the place. They clearly have failed to do so, so Purnell will bring on a Show Cause proceeding on Sept 15 at 09:00 in Judge Nance's courtroom (John Marshall Courts Building). Purnell said that it helps him to have interested citizens in the courtroom at such proceedings.

To that end, the group agreed to have a presence at the hearing on the 15th. While we were talking, Capt. Beadles received a beep and left the meeting to respond to a homicide at 3916 Chamberlayne Ave(!).

[NOTE: As you know, Chamberlayne Ave. is the pits, and the Redwoods is a hole at the bottom. It is in Ginter Park, but it is part of the infection that is spreading to Bellevue and the other nearby neighborhoods. Diana Presson and Winnie Cobb have agreed to provide the leadership to meet a goal of a dozen Bellevue residents on the front row of Judge Nance's courtroom on the 15th. This is important; if you can be free in the morning, please call Diana or Winnie.]

3013-15 Cutshaw Ave. (The Marquee, formerly CP Dean sporting goods) owners Charles and Elaine Jordan are set for an arraignment on 9/13 before Judge Spencer.

3324 West Cary St. was sold before the Special Grand Jury convened, and the building was demolished on 8/22/99.

105 N. Boulevard owners John & Ziba Wilkerson are set for an arrangnment on 9/13 before Judge Nance.

2212 W. Grace St. has been sold. The former manager, Mr. Tepper, has pled No Contest. The sentence is under advisement; Tepper is to pay a fine on 2/29/00 and have no dealings with the property.

This is Progress, folks. David Hicks and his people are putting their resources behind the Squalor cases and moving them forward. In the meantime, the formidable Zoe Ann is moving the Teams ZT toward a closer look at code, zoning, and environmental enforcement and gaining better use of these tools and better coordination with Squalor. At present, it must be said, these City agencies look upon Squalor as the dumping ground of their more difficult cases (indeed, judging from the reports, their cases that pose any difficulty at all).

Before he left, Capt. Beadles said that the City is mounting a major legislative effort. He and Connie Bawcum will appear before the Crime Commission on Sept. 8 and again in Nov. to ask for more effective tools to deal with abandoned and other problem properties.

Next time you see David Hicks, Kevin Purnell, Capt. Beadles, or any of their people, please thank them for their courtesy and good work.

Next meeting on October 4.
John Butcher:
1508 Avondale Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227
(804) 264-5942
(804) 786-4073 fax: 786-0034

BIGOT, n. One who is obstinately and zealously attached
to an opinion that you do not entertain.
--Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher