Bellevue Ave

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[Bellevue Ave]
[Fauquier Ave.]
[Newport Dr.]
[MacArthur Ave.]

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Bellevue Avenue takes the neighborhood traffic from both Brook and Hermitage Roads, and the cut-through traffic between those arteries.

bellevue_av_map.gif (18523 bytes)

As most of us can testify, the stretch from the 1200 block shopping area to the light at Hermitage is long (just over 1/2 mile), straight, and unimpeded.  Hardly anybody obeyed the 25 mph speed limit.

bellevue_ave.jpg (72861 bytes)

Since the third week of March, 1999, however, the new stop sign at Fauquier has changed that for the better.

bellevue_at_fauquier_stop.jpg (18642 bytes)

Map courtesy

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher