Here is Dr. Jamison's reply to John's letter
(scanned in, so don't blame Jamison for any typos):
City of Richmond Office of the City Manager
900 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219
January29, 1999
John R. Butcher
1508 Avondale Ave.
Richmond, VA 23227
Dear Mr. Butcher:
Thank you for your January 12, 1999 letter regarding 1603 Claremont
Avenue. The City Administration shares your desire to rid the City of blighted properties
and intends to utilize all available means to abate such violations of the law.
I have asked Claude Cooper, Building Commissioner, to meet with you to discuss
available alternatives for addressing this problem property. If you have any questions or
need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me or my Assistant, Camille
Sabbakhan, at 698-3592.
Calvin D Jamison, Ed D City Manager
Mr. Cooper called even before John received this letter. After
they spoke, John wrote again.
The Safety Committee will meet Mr. Cooper at 5:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, February 17. Please join us.