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Please see the July MAD LUV page for the earlier history.

The Sheriff was at the Shirley Manor evicting a tenant on Thursday, August 6.   Some of our folks got excited, thinking it was MAD LUV.  Unfortunately, he was back plying his trade the same night.  Winnie and Sandy ran into Henry Briggs at Ukrops on Saturday, and learned that MAD LUV's turn doesn't come until the end of the month; this was an unrelated eviction.

In the meantime, he  fixed the low rider Olds (with license tags MAD LUV).  He parked it in the slot behind the Shirley Manor.  By all reports, he still was in business. 

MAD LUV's blonde friend accosted one Team A patrol on MacArthur and accused them of being racists for spending so much time on MacArthur.  Our patrollers pointed out that MacArthur is the heart of the drug activity in our neighborhood.  MAD LUV himself followed another team down Brook Road, tooting his horn.

On August 21, MAD LUV and his inamorata moved out. 

Think about this folks:  As much as we would like to see his little buns in the slammer, for a LONG time, we are better off this way.  If he had been arrested and convicted, we all would pay the taxes (ca. $15,000 per year) to feed and house him in the slammer.  And another of his sort would have moved in within weeks. 

As it is, he is GONE.  More to the point, Shirley Manor is a harder target for anybody who wants to replace him. 

If we view the problem as getting him arrested, we think about short term.  If we view the problem as getting rid of him, in circumstances that will make it hard for somebody to replace him, the problem is solved.

Trumpet this Good News!

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher