During the week of May 9, 1999 Team A detected what
looks like a phantom patroller. This was a male, perhaps in his 50s, wearing a winter felt
hat, driving by himself in a brown Mercedes. He had a flashing yellow light but no signs
on the sides. Team A spotted him Wednesday evening and Friday during the day. We can use
this kind of energy: If you know who he is, please direct him to Capt. Winnie or Capt.
Diana and we'll get him signed up.
We have a report that Codes Enforcement has reinspected 1603 Claremont
and declared that there are no violations. John has a FOIA request in process to find out.
In the meantime, somebody has moved in, mowed the lawn, and parked another car with no
license tags in the driveway. Capt. Winnie called in the car.
Other than that, it was a quiet week in Bellevue.
See the Safety
Committee pages for news of all the police calls at the
MacArthur Apartments and what the Safety Committee is doing about it.
The lawn at 1320 Avondale was approaching waist-high.
The neighbor said the new owner is a nurse who has been absent recently. Capt. Winnie
called it in to Environmental. With Mr. Tregar gone we don't have much hope for the kind
of response we have learned to enjoy. Bad news for Bellevue.
Capt. Winnie had established a good working relationship with Mr. Treger in
environmental enforcement: She found the problems; he cited them. Actually, it
worked both ways: When the police were slow towing the abandoned cars at 1603 Claremont,
Winnie got the attention of the Police tow lot folks. It was good deal while it
Mr. Treger's replacement, Mr. Krieger (phonetic spelling) is not such a happy
story. When Capt. Winnie called him to follow up on the 1320 question and, perhaps,
to start building a new relationship he interrupted to ask, "What is it you want,
Ma'am?" Winnie told him she wanted to follow up on her earlier complaint about
the deteriorating condition of 1320 Avondale. He then said he was "too
busy" to talk about it, and would call her back on Monday. Monday was Memorial
There is no reason to put up with that kind of behavior. Here is John's Freedom of Information Act request in respones.
Stay tuned.