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Here is the chronology of 1410 Avondale as disclosed by the file at the Codes Enforcement office.


Application for Certificate of Occupancy by Joseph G. Osborne. Certificate of Occupancy to Joseph G. Osborne. Single family.


Certificate of Occupancy to Joseph G. Osborne


Application for Electrical Permit, service change 30A to 100A. Approved 9/20/91


Electrical Permit, alteration of service.


Inspection Report: electrical. OK.


FOIA request for Certificate of Occupancy, Robert Gunst, 1316 Nottoway, 266-5369. Paid $0.75 for 3 sheets copied.


Printout, assessment information:

Shows R Shawn Majette, Administrator of Osborne estate

Identifies Property by Map reference N000-1893/022

Handwritten note: vacant & secure, needs painting, AF #97-008699, certified sent to Thompson & McMullan address


Printout, more property assessment information

Built 1913

Assessed 14,000 for land, 20,000 for house

Remarks: "See 86 REV#200. Needs plaster repair, refinishing of floors throug " [sic]


Notice of Violation: Map Reference No N000-1893/022, Action File No. 97-008699

Inspected 10/29/97.

Requires abatement by 12/4/97.

Issued by David Schanz, 780-6425.

Handwritten note: Fax: Mary Beth 780-1813

Sections violated: 220 PM 304.1, exterior general; 220A PM 304.2, exterior painting; 224 PM 304.6, exterior walls. Handwritten note: rear porch also in disrepair, violation f PM 304.11.

Handwritten note: 784-4073 [sic] John Butcher 1508 Avondale


Certified mail receipts:

11/12/97, Thompson & McMillan [sic]

5/26/98, Joseph G. Est. Osborne


[Butcher 2-page fax to Ellis complaining about the property]


Fax cover sheet to Shawn Majette c/o Mary Beth, 780-1813, 3 pages including cover


Fax confirmation report: 7801813, 16:38, April 22, 1998.


Inspection Worksheet, David W. Schanz 12/4/97

Recites NOV 11/4/97

Recites continued exterior general, paint, wall violations: "vacant and open . . . falling . . . deteriating" [sic]

Recites 4/22/98 conversation with Majette’s Assistant Mary Beth: no money for repairs

Lists violations

Recites 10/29/97 inspection by DWS: "Building vacant and secure. Needs painting. A lot of complaints from neighbors.


Property Maintenance Checklist

Initial inspection 10/29/98 [sic]

NOV sent 11-4-98 [sic] /5-21-98 amended NOV

Faxed amended NOV to Majette 5/21/98

Follow up inspection 5/19/98

Owner not in compliance (Handwritten): more nos, sending Amended NOV

Handwritten note: 4/22/98: spoke w Majettes secretary Mary Beth. I mentioned possibility of summons. She said no money available for repairs. She will see what she can do. I faxed NOV to her.

Handwritten note: concerned neighbor: John Butcher, 1508 Avondale Av., 784-4073 [sic]

Handwritten note: 6/11/98 NOV faxed to RE agent for buyer


Worksheet showing 2 windows openings


Notice of Violation: Map Reference No N000-1893/022, Action File No. 97-008699 (+ 3 page inspection sheet)

"condemnation" of structure, unfit for human occupancy, open/vacant

2 windows open to the elements

Threatens to placard as condemned.


Fax transmittal sheet, Schanz to Majette, 5 pages including cover


[Butcher letter to Ellis (total 3 pages):

"Today I learned from Mr. Schanz of your staff that you have sent a Notice to the owner of the building, but that you will not provide me a copy of the Notice without a formal Freedom of Information Act request."

FOIA request for entire file on 1410 Avondale]


Fax to Butcher: "Mr. Butcher, the estimated cost for copies is $7.75. Please let me know if you wish that I remove your previous correspondence (letters, fax cover sheets) that would be less 1.75 for a total of $6.00. The only thing you would not be getting will be pictures taken by the inspector. The mailing cost is $4.00. Total cost will be either 10.00 or 11.75. Please call me or let me know on the Freedom of Information Act form being faxed with this cover sheet."


Butcher letter: here is my check for $10.00.


Majette letter: insufficient funds in the estate to repair the structure.


Fax confirmation, 7 pages to 359-8721


Receipt: John R. Butcher, $10.00


Copy of PM-107.5: Requires owner of property subject to NOV to comply before selling, or provide bldg. Official with notarized receipt for the notice from buyer

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher