Elizabeth Kambourian writes:
I've attached a photo taken in 1930 behind 1417 Claremont Ave. It
appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. It is a group of neighborhood
kids who had put on a circus. My mother (Mrs. Cann) is the third
from the left (Peggy Duffy). The text part is damaged, but here is what
it says: "[ ] crowd of [
]ers recently entertained their neighborhood with [ ]ppy
"Whoopie Circus," staged the show all by themselves. They are, left
to right: Ann Katherine Lewis, Edward Saxby, Peggy Duffy, Frank Wade,
Jr., Emily Gardner, Elizabeth Wade, Mary Frances Matthews, Richard Elam, Wally
Riddell, Jack O'Brien, Billy Elam and James Delapapa. They live in and about
Claremont Street [ ]."
Notice the arched porch on the Four-Square in the background? It would be
on the even numbered side of the 1400 of Claremont. My mother distinctly
remembers the address of this house is 1417 Claremont.