Ric EMails

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Some of the folks in our City government think that the City records belong to them, not to the taxpayers.  Thus, in August '99 it took a Freedom of Information Act request and a threat of a lawsuit to get the Richmond EMail directory.  Then, in October we heard that the City has an intranet with current 'phone and email directories (available freely to the City folks but not the taxpayers!).  A Freedom of Information Act request to the City Manager's office led to communications from Carol Bracey who very kindly provided the updated files (as of Nov. 30, 1999) and asked the City Manager if they could be put on the public Web.  On Nov. 30, 1999 Ms. Bracey also provided the 'phone directory for the City employees.  We posted them to this page.

As of April 27, 2000, the phone numbers and email addresses of City employees are available on the City web page.  We are removing them from the Bellevue web site to save the space.

Here, for your amusement, is the email John sent to Dr. Jamison to test out the  email list from the FOIA request:

From: <%20JohnRButcher@attbi.com%20>
To: Jamison, Dr. Calvin <cdjamison@ci.richmond.va.us>
Cc: Reid, Jan T. <reidjt@ci.richmond.va.us>; 
    Johnson, Bill (work) <biljohnson@co.hanover.va.us>
Subject: City EMail addresses
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 7:14 PM
In order to obtain the directory of City EMail 
addresses, I have had to file a Freedom of Information 
Act request and threaten to sue.  In retaliation, your 
people have promised me an invoice for their cost of 
emailing me the list.
This is information that should be available free 
to everybody on your website.  Indeed I have just 
posted it to the Bellevue web site (URL in the signature 
below).  Your people's typically truculent behavior is 
not consistent with Item II.A of the Organizational 
Development section of Richmond's Strategic Plan, 
which commits the City to "[e]ducate residents, 
businesses, employees, and local media about the 
City of Richmond, its accomplishments, and 
initiatives," and Section II.C., which commits 
the City to "[e]ncourage positive involvement of 
all stakeholders . . . in City affairs and issues."  
Neither, for that matter, is this any way for a 
government to behave.  Your folks should be fighting 
to spread this information about, not to conceal it.
Please allow me to counterbalance that criticism 
with a warm compliment for the trash pickup during 
the past three weeks.  That is the kind of service 
I pay taxes for, and I am glad to see the City bringing 
it back.  Thank you for your part in this step toward 
making Richmond a better place.
John Butcher:
@home   %20JohnRButcher@attbi.com%20
 1508 Avondale Avenue
 Richmond, Virginia  23227
 (804) 264-5942
@work JButcher@oag.state.va.us
 (804) 786-4073  fax: 786-0034
BIGOT, n.  One who is obstinately and zealously attached
to an opinion that you do not entertain.
--Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

After the kind treatment he received from Ms. Bracey, 
John had to write again:
From: <%20JohnRButcher@attbi.com%20>
To: "Jamison, Dr. Calvin" <cdjamison@ci.richmond.va.us>
Subject: Telephone and EMail Lists
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 9:57 PM

I am in your debt for the kind and considerate 
help Carol Bracey provided in furnishing the 
updated telephone and email lists for the 
City government. If she succeeds in getting 
those lists on the City's web site it will 
complete a remarkable turnaround from August 
of this year when I had to file a Freedom of 
Information Act request, threaten to sue, and 
pay twenty bucks to get an out of date copy.
Ms. Bracey is a credit to the City and to your 
leadership.  Thank you so much.

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Last updated 02/24/02
Please send questions or comments to John Butcher